1. A New Assignment

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Rahns lungs burned as she pushed through the curve in the forest path, opening up her view to the grand hall a good distance away. Just two more miles and she would finish her early morning run. It wasn't her favorite thing to do, but it helped clear her mind and burn off energy. And it pushed her to be stronger. She wasn't about to let any one catch her being weak. Not any criminals, and especially not the other guards.

Once she finished her run she would treat herself to some water, change into more appropriate attire for being around others, and then head to the training facilities where the guards spent their time staying in shape and honing their skills. She laughed as she thought of the other guards' reactions the first couple of times she showed up there straight in her running attire, which was little more than skin tight cloth to cover her private areas. 

When she was told she could no longer wear such things to the training grounds several years ago, she was angry. "Oh? Did they implement a dress code?"

"Not officially." Captain Zein had bristled at her question, grinding his teeth. "But I will not have my guards so distracted while they're training."

She laughed at it now. Zein was no longer around. He was no longer her superior in any way. But still, she knew better than to wear things like that where the other guards could see her. She had learned a long time ago that she needed to keep her head down and be unnoticeable. It was the best way to get things done unhindered.

As she was entering the side of the guards tower, on the north side of the grand hall, two guards approached her. "You Rahn?"

"Yeah." She addressed them as she stood and stretched her arms up, crossing them over each other on top of her head as she caught her breath.

"Your presence is required. Come with us."

"Let me just go change first."

"We were given clear instructions to bring you immediately."

She sighed and waved her hand up and down, her fingers motioning to her barely clothed body. "Does this seem appropriate to you?" She fought the urge to roll her eyes.

The guards glanced at each other, and then back at her. The male shrugged "Orders."

She sighed. "Lead the way."

She ignored the double takes and the whispered comments people made with each other as she walked with the guards down the halls. But when a stocky, rather smelly male let his fingers brush her sides as she passed him, not caring to hide the satisfied grunt that left his lips, she turned and twisted his fingers until he kneeled on the floor before her.

"Release me." He said between gritted teeth.

"That doesn't sound like an apology." She twisted a bit more.

"Ok! Ok!" He grunted in pain. "I'm sorry!"

A smile curled slightly on her lips as she began walking past him. Usually she'd push down her frustrations and keep walking, but she drew the line at males groping her without permission.

As they went further into the grand hall and motioned for her to enter the elevator she questioned them. "Where are we going, exactly?"

"To the General." the female said flatly.

"Ah." Rahn smirked as she glanced down at her lack of attire. This ought to be interesting, she thought to herself. She had only rarely spoken directly to General Garen, it was typically a captain who would relay orders to her rank. With General Garen being gone on leave for the last week, she was curious to see what the Acting General needed from her directly.

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