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the familiar chatter from a foreign language could be heard everywhere, including the English from before.

the usual sound of cars burning out their tires took up most of the sound as you could see cars drifting in between other cars in the lot.

the whole group is huddled up together to make sure they stick to — and know the plan that will take place.

Clyde sent you and Stan off to go search for Dung,, hoping he will be in the same place you found him the day before.

... luckily, you did... you found him back, next to his acquaintance once again, hanging about with the same women who were wearing revealing clothes, in a leopard pattern, and fur.

Dung Loo-he notices you as his usual smirk appears, excusing himself as his partner tries to talk to him about their one-on-one business going on.

Stan and the others take note of this as they start to look in his direction as he gets closer to you.

once he was finally within talking distance, he spoke up with a welcoming grin.

"You're back,, .. so are you."

".. I am."

Stan spoke up with an arrogant attitude, trying to appear more bigger than him.

"Listen here,. I want your.. ..lady, over here. whether you like it or not."

".. I'm not going to give her to you just like that."

Stan scowled as he spoke, clearly not accepting his profound statement.

you kept on looking at Stan, in a way that says 'step down' .. but you don't think he noticed it at all.

"Well then,, let's race for then. just like how men did years ago.

If I win, I get to keep her, if you win, then you keep her. deal?"

you scrunch your face around his exact words,, feeling the awkward tension starting to rise between the three of them.

as things started to get heated,, although Dung Loo-he had a smug smirk on his face as if he knew he was gonna win. "fine. but don't treat her like she's an object to you."

"Oh, I'll treat her with a good amount of respect if I want to or not."

Stan scowled, glaring away from the guy before he speaks up.

"tsh.. whatever, let's get this over with." Stan took you by the arm, practically dragging you away from the situation at hand.


as Stan pulled up next to Dung Loo-he, he glanced over at him, .. but he wasn't even looking his way.

Stan knew, deep down he wasn't going to let Dung just control Y/n or himself like that,, but it appeared he had no other choice.

so in the end, Stan just sighed heavily as he adjusted his seating position to be more concentrated and focused on the matter at hand,.

a male walked in front, and in between the two cars, slowly walking up closer as he took a drag out of his cigarette, glancing over to the right.

"Ready?" a skimpy woman spoke, leaning most of her weight onto one of her legs as she glanced at the other women across from her.

the man followed,

"セット!" another skimpy-like woman spoke, not looking anywhere except for the guy.

The guy looks back forward, taking his cigarette out of his mouth and puts it out onto the concrete below him as he squished the cigarette into ashes and whatnot.

"Go!" His voice was loud as he pointed in the middle of the two drivers, signalling them to go off already— they did just that.

.. Just a few minutes after they started, they sped through the car lot, Dung Loo-he takes charge as his car accelerates.

everything seems to be going just fine,, until a sudden sharp curve comes up and catches Stan off guard as he presses hard on the accelerator, gripping onto his handbrake tightly trying to remember what Clyde taught him as he tries to push in front of Dung Loo-he.

Stan watches Dung Loo-he drifting effortlessly against the cones, the pillars barely even touching nor grazing the rear end of his car.

luckily, Stan catches up behind him, tailing behind him with no scratches yet on his automobile.

once the corner part is finished,, Stan pressed hard against his accelerator peddle,, before having to slow down as more sharp corners appear, the two continue to drift and tailgate one another.

suddenly, Dung Loo-he speeds up onto the next level of the parking lot,. — this causes Stan to get a bit curious as he starts to accelerate too,, to try and see what Dung Loo-he is up to.

although,, it is quite a challenge due to the fact of the multiple amounts of corners to actually catch up to him,, which kind of infuriates Stan more.

in one last effort attempt, Stan retracts his foot from the gas pedal by the slightest, trying to regain energy before pressing his foot against it once more,

it does him justice as he's practically back to tailgating Dung Loo-he once again,, kind of grazing the ass of his car.

"what the fuck..? more curves??! what is this?" Stan swore angrily as he drifts behind him, he slides against the curves, slightly grazing his car where the parts touched.

Dung Loo-he is right in front of his car almost gazing at his front bumper.

... once after this curve was passed, Stan saw tons of people gathered up on the roof, surrounding in a circle-like group with a large opening for the cars as he immediately clutched, pressing hard against the brake pedal,, parking right next to Dung Loo-he.


once they've all celebrated, Stan and Dung Loo-he step out of their cars.

Clyde and the rest of Stans group remain emotionless,, trying to stage being slightly upset since they lost and had to turn Y/n in,.

Dung Loo-he has a smug smile on his face,, walking confidently over to Stan as he spoke. "hey,, looks like I won. so.. give me that girl."

".. tsh.. ..fine,, whatever." Stan grumbled hesitantly as he glanced over to Y/n before looking back to Dung.

.. this is just for the plan.. if it wasn't,, I would've beaten your ass right now, right here.

"great we came to a conclusion!,,"

Dung smiled,, looking over to Y/n as he walked over to her, forcing his grip on her wrist,, compelling her to come and follow him back to his home.

"I guess I'll be leaving now.. what's her name?" Dung asked as he placed her into the passenger seat of his car,, looking back to Stan.

".. it's Y/n, her name is Y/n," Stan informed him,, clearly unhappy about this whole thing but he doesn't dare say another word in case it will mess up their whole plan.

Dung Loo-he only nodded confidently,, walking over to the other side of his car as he opened the drivers' door,, saying goodbye before he fashionably drove off with Y/n with him.

tokyo drift ( stan marsh [street racer] x reader )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant