Chapter 59

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"That's the last one, come on he's right around the corner" I say looking at the shaking man lying in front of us

It felt strangely thrilling that I'm doing this, at least they're not dying, they'll just be out for a short time.

I lead the way as Dimitri follows right behind me, my plan doesn't involve death and blood

Not like Dimitri's
I spot the cabin I was in a few days ago and we both run towards it, we need to be fast before Enzo or Cara notice that something's up.

We stop in front of the door and I notice it's not locked, thank God
I look at Dimitri as I nod and open the door.

We both walk in slowly, Ivan is still sat where he was the last time I was here
He raises his head and look at me before his eyes find Dimitri.

He's shocked, surprised and overwhelmed
"Dimitri"? He calls out barely and i rush forward and crouch in front of him.

"We're getting you out of here" I whisper looking for a way to get the chains of him, Dimitri still hasn't moved an inch, I look to him

"Help me get him out" and just like that he snaps out of his daze before clenching his jaw and coming forward.

"какой ублюдок сделал это с тобой" Dimitri mutters looking at his cousin with a hard stare, and we're back to not understanding a thing they're saying

(Translation: What bastard did this to you?)

"что ты здесь делаешь" Ivan barely let's out

(Translation: What are you doing here?)

"спасая свою задницу, очевидно" Dimitri mutters, why does he look so hot when he speaks Russia, Focus Cora

(Translation: Saving your ass Obviously)

"With her"? Ivan asks making me frown.

"You both realize I'm here right, and we don't have time for chitchat" I snap at them, before Dimitri brings out his gun and aims at the chains

"What are you doing, are you crazy? They'll hear the gunshot" I yell and he shakes his head.

"The doors are sound proof and so are the walls, they won't" he says before pulling the trigger and Ivan's chains are loose.

I bend down and so does Dimitri after putting his gun away
"Put your arm around me" I mutter before we both pull him up, he can barely stand

"You didn't tell me Dimitri was here" Ivan mutttered

"I didn't think you'd wanna know, didn't wanna raise your hopes up" I whisper as we drag him out, he's about to say something when I stop him "shhhh, someone's coming" I whisper and I look at Dimitri.

The person stops in front of the door, they're going to come in
Dimitri looks at me "Hold him" he muttered before pulling out his gun.

"Dimitri no" I almost yell but he doesn't even stop, the moment the door opens his gun goes off killing the man in front of us instantly.

And just like that, two more come our way as I haul Ivan out, Dimitri shoots them too

"Don't stop, keep going until you both get out" he says before facing the men coming.

I manage to drag Ivan out of the mansion, with Dimitri hot on our tail, shooting off Enzo's men.

By the time we were outside, Dimitri is almost covered in blood, I put Ivan inside the car before coming out and facing Dimitri.

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