Chapter 27

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I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me that whatever Ivan wanted to say wouldn't end well for both of us, his eyes said it all.

"We need to talk" was all he muttered, I could count how many times my cousin has spoken to me since it happened.

He wasn't avoiding me, that I knew for sure, but he was avoiding what would come if he even decided to talk about what happened.

He barely spoke to me, it became worse since she left, it was if it was my fault she left, like I handed her over to Enzo myself.

I didn't say anything, I just watched him with a bored expression and he took that as a go ahead to speak.

"It's been a month since the attack, and you've not said anything, what are we going to do about it"? He asked and I gave him the same bored look before averting my eyes from his back to stack of papers on my table.

"Nothing" I muttered out, for a while I didn't hear anything from him
The whole room was just pin drop silent before he finally spoke up.

"ничего? What do you mean nothing"?, He asked obviously pissed off

(Translation: Nothing?)

"They took her, and you're not gonna do anything about it"? He asked, his voice coming out low and angry

I didn't react to this, I just watched him as I put my fingers on my chin.
He scoffed, obviously surprised at my response.

"They attacked your home, in your country, killed your men and took your hostage, and you sit there and tell me nothing"? He asked

He seemed pretty pissed about them taking her, for someone who so badly wanted her to leave because he said she didn't belong here.

"что ты хочешь от меня Ivan"? I asked him obviously not understanding him anymore

(Translation: what do you want me to say Ivan)

"невероятный" he muttered running his hands down his face

(Translation: unbelievable)

"You said it yourself, she was a hostage here, and she's now where she rightfully belongs" I tell him and I hear a low scoff come from him

"Are you even listening to yourself? So you're not going to do anything, you're just gonna sit here and be the Don and pretend like the last six months never happened"? He gritted out, I was already getting agitated by his voice

"What do you want me to do Ivan? Haul ass down to New York to find her? I have better things to do than to run around New York looking for your little crush, she doesn't belong here and I'm glad they took her" I snap at him and I see his face squeeze in disbelief.

"Oh so now you're agreeing she doesn't belong here"? He asked with a scoff "after what you did to her, you suddenly realize she doesn't belong here? You're being hypocritical don't you think"? He spat out glaring hard at me

"I don't have time for this Ivan" I muttered seriously dismissing him, I wouldn't show it but I was scared, I didn't want him to bring up the fact that I raped her, even thinking about it left a sour taste in my mouth.

"She'd be disappointed in you" he spat making me raise my brows at him "Vera, she'd be fucking disappointed in you, I bet she'd be turning in her grave...." He didn't get to finish before I sprung up from my chair and in seconds my hands fisted his collar as I pulled him close to me, my nose flaring in anger.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now"? I gritted at him with so much anger, he had no right to bring up her name

He wasn't even afraid of me, he just glared at me not bothering to answer before he unlatched my hands from his shirt, without a word, he walked out of my study leaving me there.

As much as he tried to hide it, I could see the sadness and pain in his eyes and as much as I tried to play it cool, it was messing with my head.

When had we gotten to this?
We used to be fucking close, even after Vera's death, he was one of those that stayed by me, although he was never a part of the mafia, he was always by my side.

But ever since Cora stepped into this house all of that changed.
I lost count how many times I came close to killing my cousin and how much his presence ticked me off.

And now I know he hated me but was just playing it cool.
I'd snatched something from him.
I'd taken away something precious from him.
I had hurt him without knowing it.

Everyday it was killing me inside but there was nothing I could do to take it back, and it was all my fault.

I trudged slowly to my chair and plopped down on it with a heavy sigh.
I was going crazy with each passing second and I couldn't do anything to stop it


The evening breeze was slowly hitting the trees at the back and I could actually see the sway from the lights around the house.

They moved freely and the crickets chirped in the dark night, the sky was dark with no ray of star or the moon, it'll definitely rain later judging by the breeze.

A half smoked cigarette sat between my lips as I slowly inhaled the smoke and rested my hands in the railing, watching the pitch black darkness in front of me

Ivan's words kept replaying in my head, all of it.
From me being a coward for not doing anything about the attack on the house, to Vera being disappointed in me for what I did to Cora.

He was right, and it only made me more guilty that he was right.
But there was no way I was going to do anything.
She was better off with Enzo and her sister than here with me

Ivan could see through me, I was gonna pretend the last six months didn't happen, because that way it'll be easier to forget her and everything that ever happened during that six months.

I hated myself for feeling this way
Like Ivan said, it was very hypocritical of me, to act all chivalrous now when in the beginning I wanted nothing but to have her tied in my basement

I know why Ivan wanted her back.
Not because he was heartless or selfish, but because he was in love with her, and as crazy as it sounds, it's hard to live without the one you love.

But deep down I think we both know that even if Enzo didn't find her, She and Ivan never stood a chance with each other.
Not after what I did, she'd never trust him, or anybody for that matter.

I ruined a lot of things, things I couldn't put back together and I'd live with that guilt for as long as this rotten thing in my chest called a heart kept beating.

I decided to switch it up like this again guys 😁😁😁

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