Chapter 26

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The only sound that could be heard is the tapping of the rain on the window of her room, she sat there just watching and thinking.

Thinking of her life before he took her, what would have happened if he never did, and her life now after he'd taken her and she being back home

Things were never going to be the same, she knew this.
Being back home felt different than she expected, not as excited as she thought.
And she hated the fact that her sister was treating her like some charity case.

It's been a month since she's been back and still everything still felt foreign, they still acted as if she'd one day break down mentally, they treated her as if she was some pity case.
She didn't want any of their pity at all.

Her mind drifted to Ivan while she was still staring at her window and the rain.
What would he be doing now?
Was he looking for her?
Did he even know she was gone?

What about Dimitri?
She so badly wanted to know what went down that day in his house?
Did he get killed?
But that's very unlikely, there's no way someone as famous as Dimitri would die and it wouldn't shake the very core of the underworld.

There were so many questions she wanted answers to, but no one was ready to give it.
She hadn't really spoken to Cara or even Enzo.

She didn't even know what to say to them.
Did Cara know why Dimitri took her?
Was she really working with Fabio then?

She was going crazy thinking about all this, she didn't even know the door to her room had been opened and someone had walked in.

Cara just stood there looking at her sister, she wasn't the same person anymore.
This person looked uninterested in almost everything around her.

Ever since they got her back, Cara could count how many words her sister had spoken.
She so badly wanted to know what they'd done to her there, but Cora would never say anything.

They'd broken her sister
She could see the despair dancing in her eyes.
She breathe out before walking further into the room and letting her presence known

Cora turned and came face to face with her sister, Cara smiled at her, a sad smile, she didn't return it, as always her face was emotionless.

"They told me you haven't eaten all day"? She asked taking a seat close to her on the bed, she didn't answer, her eyes just followed the movement of her sister.

"You know you can talk to me Cora, what happened to you"? She asked with concern

Cora so badly wanted to tell her but she couldn't, she didn't even know where to start from..

She just stared at her sister with those cold and dead eyes, the sudden urge to throw up over took her, she tried to surpress it but she couldn't.

Her hands flew over her mouth as she rushed into the bathroom and hunched over the WC, before emptying her stomach of anything inside.

Cara rushed behind her and held her hair for her while rubbing her back, she was afraid for her sister.

She thought her question triggered her so she decided she wouldn't ask anything about what happened to Cora again.
If she wished to talk then so be it.

Cora washed her mouth and face before walking back into the room with Cara trailing right behind her, she felt sick to her stomach and weak, she flung herself on the bed with a heavy sigh.

"Are you fine"? Cara asked with concern examining her sister and the later just nodded before lying down completely
"I'll go get you something and you will eat" she said with finality before walking out of the room, leaving Cora to her thoughts.

This wasn't the first time she'd be throwing up this week, but it was getting worse by the day and she really needed to get herself check.

Maybe it was lack of food that was affecting her or the change in environment.
She'd been away for a whooping six months, she didn't just expect her body to adjust immediately.

But then a certain thought crossed her mind but she quickly shook it off, no it's can't be possible.
She shouldn't even be thinking about that, Enzo will have his head if that even happened.


He was sitting in his office trying to clear off some work but his mind was not even working well, he hasn't been himself for a while now.

The thought of a certain dark haired brunette kept invading his thoughts.
She was gone now, back to where she belonged, where she was before he took her.

He should be relieved that she wasn't here to make his guilt double but instead he was not okay.

It has been a month now since she'd been gone but he still kept thinking about her like it was yesterday.

He had completely healed from the bullet wound, Ivan hadn't said anything to him about her, even after he woke up in his room with an IV to his arm.

He ran his hands through his face and stopped it at the slight stubble on his face, why was he thinking about her so much.

She was gone for good, he'd never see her again or have to deal with her, but why did it bother him so much?

Apart from the guilt of what he did to her, there was something burning strong in his chest every time he thought about her.

He had tried alcohol but it didn't work, he even tried smoking but it didn't work, and he had quit smoking a long time ago, after he met Vera, she made him quit smoking because he had a reason to live longer than he wanted.

But now he was back to smoking, all in the bid to forget about her and her innocent doe eyes.

His thoughts were interrupted when the door to his office opened up and Ivan walked in, and from the looks in his eyes, Dimitri already knew that nothing good would come out of this conversation they were about to have.

He sighed out before focusing more on the person that just stepped in.

Very short chapter I know


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Also I have a Tiktok account for pictures of my book characters 😁😁😁

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