Chapter 42

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Althea approached Carlos Gutiérrez with a sweet smile. Her soft, accented voice was like a siren's call as she tapped his shoulder, her words as sweet as honey and sharp as a blade. Her light accent made her words sharp and crisp, her vowels round. "Mr. Gutiérrez, would you care to dance?"

Carlos, an imposing figure with slicked-back hair and dark clothes, regarded her with a hint of intrigue. His eyes flitted from his alcohol, back to her. He started to shake his head, but before he could answer, Althea interrupted him. "It will only take a small bite out of your evening, and..." she placed a hand on his leg, her eyes glittering. "I know a place more... private."

Carlos looked down at her, and for just a second, she was afraid he would refuse, but then he answered.

His accent was thick as he spoke. "Of course, señorita," he replied with a suave smile, offering his arm to Althea.

The waltz continued around them, an elegant dance of seduction and deception. Althea took his arm, letting him lead her into the center. They took their position, and the music continued.

As they moved to the rhythm of the music, Althea plotted how she was to lure him away. Althea and Carlos spun and twirled, their steps synchronized with the haunting melody of the orchestra. Althea's dress flowed elegantly with every movement, a deep red swirl that caught the light and turned heads wherever they passed.

Carlos, despite his initial reservations, found himself drawn into the dance. Althea's charm was undeniable, her every move an invitation into a world of mystery. This was too easy, Althea thought.

"You dance divinely, missus...?" Carlos complimented, his voice smooth as silk.

"Marie. And thank you. But this dance is nothing without a skilled partner," Althea replied, her voice carrying a note of playful flirtation. She noticed his eyes trailing down the slit in her dress, down to her exposed thigh. For once she was glad that someone was ogling her.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, each word carefully chosen to maintain the illusion of a chance encounter. Althea subtly steered the conversation toward topics in hopes that it might reveal Carlos's involvement in Hassan's plans.

"You seem quite familiar with the guests here," she commented, her tone light but inquisitive.

Carlos smiled, a hint of arrogance in his expression. "One must always know the right people in these circles. Connections can be... advantageous."

"And what sort of advantageous connections are you seeking tonight?" Althea inquired, her eyes glinting with mischief.

Carlos spoke, his voice a low murmur that was almost drowned out by the music. "I have a particular interest in exotic artifacts. Rumor has it that there might be something valuable aboard this ship tonight."

The mention of 'artifacts' piqued Althea's interest. "How fascinating. I've always been intrigued by history and the secrets it holds."

"Me too." He leaned forward to whisper to her. "But I can think of another even more valuable artifact aboard this ship tonight."

They continued to dance, and Althea skillfully guided Carlos's attention away from her true motives, allowing him to believe he was the one leading the dance. As they continued to talk, she gathered valuable information about his dealings, all the while maintaining the facade of a curious and charming guest. Through this, she could only think about how stiff his movements were in comparison to Ghost's fluid ones. On more than one occasion, he stepped on her feet, making it much more difficult to maintain a conversation with him.

Little did he know, he was with the very agent that would ensure his downfall. As the music ended, he turned to her with a raise of his eyebrows. "So, Marie. Where is this private room that you promised?"

Althea smiled at him again, "Follow me." She recalled the map of the ship she had studied. There were chambers for guests along one corridor, and many were unoccupied. Perfect for incapacitating a victim. He followed her without hesitation.

Soon, they reached the room. In a swift, calculated maneuver, Althea pressed a gleaming knife to Carlos's throat. The glint of the blade was an ominous contrast to the seductive dance that had brought them to this point. She quickly kicked the door closed, locking it shut. His eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and... delight? The threat of the knife only seemed to intensify his desire for the game they were playing. The lack of fear in his expression sent a subtle chill down her spine.

But Althea remained determined, pressing the blade against his skin, the metal cool and unforgiving. Her voice was a low, stern murmur, a reminder of her control in the situation. "You thought you were clever, didn't you?"

Carlos's mouth curled into an evil grin, his eyes locked onto Althea's with a chilling intensity. "I knew exactly what you were doing all along, my dear. But I must admit, I'm impressed with your audacity."

She leaned closer, her voice tinged with a hint of menace. "You won't be impressed if you force my hand."

A grimace crossed Carlos's features as he felt the knife dig into his skin, a bead of blood forming. "Do you always dance with your enemies?"

She shrugged. "They usually never live long enough."

She pressed harder still. Yet, his gaze remained unwavering, and he continued in a taunting tone, "Don't you want to know what really happened to your parents? What happened to Amandine?"

Althea's eyes widened at the mention of her parents, her composure momentarily shaken. The question hung in the air like a dark cloud, and it was a revelation she had long sought. But she couldn't allow her emotions to cloud her judgment. She pressed the knife deeper into his throat, drawing a drop of blood that fell and stained her white gloves a deep maroon. She gave herself a stark reminder to herself that she was the one in control, her voice a whisper of steel through her gritted teeth. "You talk, or I make sure you never talk again."

A/N: IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING AS OFTENNN!! I am so busy, high school is very busy already and I joined a butt ton of clubs. I'm having a lot of fun, but it's giving me less and less time to write. Please forgive me for the long amounts of time between the updates. o(╥﹏╥)o

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!!! Your comments actually make me so embarrassingly happy lmaooo

I want to thank you all for giving my stupid little book so much support, and I think after this one I might write my own original book! I want to write a fantasy one. Let me know what you think and what elements you think I should include! Also please leave some prompts for stories, I enjoy writing them so much! Have a wonderful day/night everyone, wherever you live. See you next update!

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