Chapter 2

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The man cleared his throat, leaning against the wall. "It appears that there has been a... misunderstanding." The Spanish soldier chimed in. "Are you kidding me?"

"Hey, can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?" Althea's dark brows drew together, eyes jumping back and forth between the soldiers.

The Scottish soldier walked over, offering a handshake. "I'm John. You can call me soap."

"I would shake your hand but," She gestured to her handcuffed arms.

"That's Alejandro, and that's Ghost." Ghost nodded in response to his introduction.

"We are soldiers, part of Task Force 141. We're part of special forces. It's a combination of the British SAS, the US Army, and Navy Seals. Task Force 141 is an anti-terrorism military unit."

Realization slowly dawned on Althea. "This man, Hassan, is the one doing all of this? You think he is behind the attacks?"

Soap continued. "We don't think so. We know so. We eliminated their last leader, General Ghorbrani. Hassan was second in command and took the lead. He wants revenge for his death."

Ghost watched her, his gaze unmoving. "Who do you work for?"

Althea considered lying.

Goddamn it, they still have my parents.

Althea sighed. "Belgium Special forces." Her British accent made another appearance, and her cheeks burned in humiliation.

He smirked at her from under the mask. "Good girl." Before she could make a retort back, he continued speaking.

"You from the UK?" Ghost questioned.

"Is that a necessary question?"

Ghost cocked an eyebrow. "You are obligated to answer any question we ask."

Althea made a sour face. "Born in Belgium, raised in Sheffield, UK."

Ghost nodded- in approval? Or in acknowledgment of how much information (and dignity) she was sacrificing? "Manchester England, born and raised."

"We're here to interrogate her, not flirt with her," Alejandro scowled.

"Is Belgium in danger?" Althea's eyes bored into Soap's.

"We don't know. But he has gotten hold of American missiles."

"Hassan has missiles?" Althea was incredulous. "How the hell did you manage to lose a missile?"

Soap leaned back against the cold, damp wall, folding his arms across his chest. "It's a long story," he admitted with a sigh. "Let's just say that things got complicated. Our mission was to retrieve those missiles before they fell into the wrong hands, but we encountered unexpected resistance."

Ghost interjected, his voice as calm and cold as his demeanor. "And that's where you come in, Agent Althea, Callsign Whisper. You were spotted in Las Almas near the missile site."

Althea narrowed her eyes, her mind racing as she processed the information. "So, you thought I was involved in the missile theft?"

Alejandro scoffed, his anger still palpable. "Seemed like a pretty good lead to us, considering you were snooping around where you shouldn't have been."

Althea's frustration was building. "I was tracking a lead on a terrorist plot! I had nothing to do with those missiles."

Ghost's expression remained unchanged. "We'll need more than just words to believe you."

Althea took a deep breath, suppressing her rising anger. "Look, I have no reason to help Hassan. If he's planning anything against Belgium or any other country, I'm willing to assist in stopping him. But you have to understand that my parents' safety is paramount to me."

Soap glanced at Ghost, silently communicating something. Ghost nodded slightly before turning his attention back to Althea. "If you're telling the truth, then we might be able to work together. But actions speak louder than words."

Althea's mind was spinning. "What do you want from me?"

Soap unfolded his arms and stepped forward. "We need information, Whisper. You have skills and contacts that we don't. We're trying to track down Hassan and his network before more damage is done."

Althea's hands clenched, the handcuffs digging into her wrists. "And if I refuse?"

Alejandro stepped forward, his eyes locked onto hers. "Then we go back to the original plan. You can leave here with one less leg, or maybe we'll decide to end your suffering for good."

A mixture of anger, fear, and determination surged within Althea. She had to make a choice, and she had to make it now. She stared at the soldiers before her, weighing her options.

Ghost's voice was cold but steady. "Time's ticking, Whisper. What's it going to be?"

As the gravity of the situation pressed down on her, Althea knew that the choices she made would determine not only her fate but the fate of those she cared about. With a reluctant nod, she finally spoke, "Fine. I'll help you find Hassan."

Soap's lips curled into a brief, satisfied smile. "Welcome to Task Force 141, Whisper."

As the reality of her decision settled in, Althea couldn't help but wonder just how deep she was getting herself into this web of intrigue and danger. She looked at the faces of her captors turned allies, knowing that the road ahead would be treacherous, uncertain, and filled with challenges she couldn't yet fathom.

This is a huge inconvenience, Althea thought. The mission she was supposed to be doing was completely thrown off course! However, it was still possible, and Task Force 141 seemed to have the same general goal as her mission. Perhaps this could bring out some new possibilities. 

A/N: Hey, if you made it this far thanks for reading! I really appreciate it!!!

(If you have already started reading this book you probably know I made a huge mistake when writing and messed up all the names and stuff in all the chapters. Sorry about that!)

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