Chapter 20

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Ghost's gloved hand lifted the radio to his lips, his voice low and urgent. "We're all set here, Johnny. Have we managed to locate Alejandro?"

Rudy's response crackled through the radio almost instantly, a hint of excitement in his tone. "Perfect timing, Ghost. I've found him."

Soap chimed in eagerly, his voice tinged with anticipation. "Where is he?"

Rudy swiftly shared a live feed of Alejandro's cell. On Ghost's screen, the camera switched to a view of the prison level, revealing Alejandro pacing restlessly in his cell and berating the two guards stationed just outside.

"Damn, that's definitely him," Soap muttered, clearly surprised that their search had yielded results. "He's in solitary, and there are two guards by the door."

"I've got eyes on them," Ghost responded confidently. "We've got him, Soap. He's isolated, with two Shadows guarding him."

Ghost continued tugging Althea along as if she were a preoccupied child. "Not for long. RV outside the cellblock, we'll pry him loose." Ghost no longer insisted on holding her hand, but his vise-tight grip said otherwise.

As they approached the cell block, Ghost and Althea found cover in the dense bushes, their presence concealed from prying eyes. Althea's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, acutely aware of his hand clamped on her arm.

"Cellblock ahead," Ghost reported tersely. "Two Shadows blocking our entry."

Soap's voice carried a mischievous grin. "Time to send them to meet their maker and gain access."

A series of rapid gunshots echoed through the night, the Shadows outside the cell block falling to the ground in a blur of chaos. Soap attempted to open the door, but it stubbornly remained locked.

Rudy let out an impatient huff. "It's locked tight. We'll have to breach it."

Ghost's voice held a trace of amusement. "No Rudy. Knock."

Finally releasing his grip on Althea, Ghost and Rudy positioned themselves by the door, while Soap signaled Rodolfo to proceed. With a firm knock, the door swung open, revealing a startled Shadow guard. In an instant, Ghost and Rodolfo ambushed the unsuspecting guard, rendering him incapacitated. The quartet burst into the cell block, guns at the ready, ready to confront the remaining Shadows guarding Alejandro. The ensuing firefight would determine the success of their daring mission.

Althea moved like a shadow, her knives gleaming menacingly in the low light. Her every movement was calculated, and her combat instincts honed to perfection. With a lethal grace, she approached the first soldier, her footsteps silent as she closed the distance. In a blur of steel, her knife found its mark, the blade sinking into the enemy's throat. A muted gurgle was the only sound as the soldier crumpled to the floor, blood spilling from the fatal wound.

Althea tugged another knife out of her sleeve with the tips of her fingers, launching it swiftly at the first soldier she saw, making blood spew from his neck.

Ghost put his combat expertise on full display. His suppressed pistol whispered death as he dispatched two soldiers with lethal precision. Rounds found their marks in quick succession, dropping the assailants before they could even react. Ghost's cold, unyielding focus remained unwavering, his movements a seamless dance of violence.

Soap and Rudy, a dynamic duo of destruction, worked in tandem to clear their path. Soap's shotgun roared to life, sending pellets tearing through the air. He blasted a door off its hinges, sending a pair of surprised soldiers sprawling backward. Their armor was no match for the sheer force of the shotgun, leaving them incapacitated.

Rudy was a force of nature, fists smashing into foes with a ferocity that left them dazed and reeling. He expertly disarmed one soldier, snatching away his weapon and using it to eliminate another threat. His martial prowess was on full display as he incapacitated his adversaries with precise strikes, rendering them helpless.

Back to Althea, who had become a deadly whirlwind of blades. She seamlessly transitioned between attackers, her knives slashing through the air with surgical precision. A soldier lunged at her, but she sidestepped with grace, her blade finding its way into his side. Another assailant approached from behind, but Althea spun, her foot lashing out in a vicious kick that sent him crashing into a cell door.

Rudy motioned for them to follow him. "There's Alejandro's cell. Open it up, I'll cover you."

Soap and Ghost nodded, their expressions echoing his determination. Ghost reached into his gear and produced a pair of bolt cutters, the key to unlocking their friend's captivity. Together, they moved to the door of Alejandro's cell. Ghost prepared to work the lock, while Soap stood ready to enter.

Ghost: "Johnny, when I pop this lock, you push in. This is what we came for..."

With practiced precision, Ghost applied the bolt cutters to the lock, the metallic sound of the tumblers falling into place filling the cell block. The door creaked open, revealing the dark interior of Alejandro's prison. Without hesitation, Soap stepped inside.


But before Soap could finish his sentence, a sudden, powerful force struck him from behind, slamming him against the cell wall. Alejandro had been lurking in the shadows, ready to defend himself at a moment's notice. He raised his fist, poised to strike, until Rodolfo intervened, acting swiftly to prevent a confrontation.

"Al- It's me, hermano."

"Coronel, relájate, cabron, somos nosotros." Rodolfo said.

Gradually, Alejandro recognized the voices and faces of his rescuers. His tense stance relaxed as he realized he was among friends.

"Soap!! Rudy, Ghost, Althea!" Alejandro looked happy even to see Althea, which surprised her enough to crack a smile back at him.

Soap offered a reassuring smile as he and Alejandro clasped hands, a bond of trust and camaraderie unbroken by their time apart.

"Didn't think we'd leave you, did you...?" Soap grinned.

Alejandro's gratitude shone through his eyes, grateful for the unwavering loyalty of his brothers-in-arms.

"What the fuck took you so long, pendejos?"

Ghost, ever the practical one, knew they had little time to spare in this dangerous place. He handed Alejandro a BAS-P submachine gun, a weapon to arm their friend for the challenges that lay ahead.

Ghost spoke. "Place is crawling with Shadows. There'll be hell ahead."

Rodolfo, his voice filled with determination, added to the plan.

"There's more Vaqueros in the cells upstairs."

Soap nodded. "Time to get 'em out."

A/N: I'm thinking about taking a few days of break from this story, I might not but if I don't post tomorrow it's possible I'm just taking a break. 

THANKS FOR READING!!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER! Honestly, this chapter was a little boring for me to write, I hope it's not too boring to read. It's just a filler chapter and was annoying to write. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!

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