Chapter 21

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As I expected, I woke up again in the Omega Timeline. I blinked a bit and stood up from the chair I was in.

Core Frisk and Frisk came over almost immediately. *Y/N!

I smiled shakily. Hey, Frisk.

"You seem a bit shaken. Did something happen?"

Yeah...Nightmare kinda attacked a scientist. Almost killed her. Let's just say people aren't particularly happy with me at the moment.

*That's just not fair! It isn't your fault!

Heh. They can't see the difference between what I do and what my body does. The tendrils were attached to me, therefore I was the one who attacked the least, according to them. But that brings me to another point... I trailed off.

Frisk tilted his head as Dream came up behind them, smiling at me. "Hey, Y/N! How's it going?"

Not particularly well. I kinda had to promise Nightmare I'd visit him just to get him to cooperate with the scientists, and even then, he almost killed one. It was the scientist's fault for trying to take more than a single vial of liquid negativity, though, so...

*Is there anything special about the liquid negativity?

Other than being alive even detached from Nightmare, nothing yet. At least, as far as they've told me.

Dream sighed. "You can't exactly destroy Nightmare just for that reason. I had to sort of blow him up with positivity arrows just to keep him from interfering with the flow of the multiverse. Not that it stopped him..."

I looked at Dream for a moment. Well, I need to go to Nightmare. Think you can take me somewhere outside the Omega Timeline? He may not have done anything last time he came around, but I don't want to risk him getting angry and destroying anything here.

Dream nodded and came up to me. Frisk looked concerned. *Be careful, Y/N.

I smiled softly. I usually am.

Dream gently grabbed my arm and teleported away. It was a bit of a jarring sensation to go from one visual to the next.

I blinked some as we arrived in a park at night. It was a park I recognized immediately. The main timeline's park.

This is mildly spooky. And full of less-than-pleasant memories.

Dream looked at me. "I'll go make sure XGaster isn't around to do anything crazy to you again. You do what you need to."

I nodded to the skeleton and he walked off, looking around the park.

I took out my soul, looking at its heart shape and darker purple color. I tilted my head, thinking about the soul in my own world. It was becoming more apple in nature than heart-like. I had better be more careful when allowing Nightmare free reign in my world...

I shook my head some, looking around. What could I think about that would make Nightmare find me...?

Well, in some sense, he could probably just find me naturally outside the Omega Timeline. I did have that underlying aura of negativity constantly there. And it was probably a stronger aura than usual thanks to Nightmare, anyway.

Dream came back over, pulling me from my thoughts. "The coast looks clear, but you shouldn't hang around too much longer if you can help it."

I nodded slightly. Right. You might wanna go elsewhere in case Nightmare wants to have some "fun."

Dream chuckled slightly. "Of course. I'll go back and check on Frisk. Hope to see you around soon, Y/N!"

You too, Dream.

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