Chapter 10

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I awoke on the fourth night of my constant torment feeling numb. I blinked, tears pouring down my face.

I was not okay. I knew that, but it was hard to put it into words. I drifted through my day like a storm cloud waiting to pour rain on those below it. But I was holding back. I couldn't tell others what was happening, I just couldn't! Who would believe me, anyway? "Hey, guys, my consciousness goes to another universe where I'm being tormented by the embodiment of negativity! I'm broken inside, send help!"

It was the fifth night. I went to sleep just fine as if I wasn't about to be tormented by Nightmare again.

Once again, I laid on the ground in a black void. Silently, I sat up, shaking slightly. This had to be it, right? It'd been almost 5 days, surely Dream could save me...

Deep, deep down, a spark of hope lit up, a candle in the darkness.

I heard Nightmare walk up behind me as he had the past 4 days. I didn't bother looking at him. I just stared off into the darkness, feeling numb and useless.

Come now, where's all the negativity? All I'm feeling is numbness from you! Have I already broken you?

It was never that hard... I whispered. I've always been fragile, even before coming here.

And yet you acted so bravely? So stubborn and certain in your actions?

What else was I to do? Isn't that a saying in your world? Don't show fear to the enemies?

You may not show fear...but I can FEEL it.

I closed my eyes, tears spilling out automatically. Deep down, the hope fluttered like a dying butterfly. I latched onto it, trying to pull up any good memory I could.


The hope blossomed like a flower, but a sudden stab in my back made me gasp, losing my hold on the feeling of hope.

No positivity out of you, human. Nightmare growled, retracting the tendril that had stabbed me.


I fell on my side, clutching my broken soul. It shivered and shivered...and slowly reformed.



I gasped in air, almost hyperventilating.

I fought as hard as I could to hold onto the positivity that was welling up inside, but it was dying along with me, and Nightmare and I both knew it.

I just needed something for Dream to latch onto so he could save me!

A bright light filled a section of the void, making Nightmare growl. She is MINE, Dream!

"She was never yours to have to begin with." Dream said sternly, walking forward from the light. He was fully healed and back to normal, it looked like.

I just laid on the ground, quietly crying. The small of my back ached horribly from the stab it just received, my sprained arm was not doing well, and every breath brought pain to my neck.

I was a broken mess.

Some sort of fight ensued, but I was too tired to follow what happened or who was winning.

At some point, though, after many horrible nights, the void retreated. Nightmare was a sludged-up mess. I'm always going to be there, human. He growled. Every fear, every insecurity that you feel, I'll be there.

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