Chapter 7

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I went to sleep the next night to end up in chaos.

I was severely disoriented as someone yanked me to my feet swiftly. "Y/N, we gotta go!"

Wha...huh? What's happening??

I looked around and gasped. did he find this place?!

I thought we had finally escaped XGaster and his troop of monsters, but apparently not!

Dream had yanked me to my feet, exclaiming again, "We gotta go!"

I could see a group of monsters between us and XGaster and his group. But our monsters were not doing so well. Most seemed to be unconscious or so badly injured that they couldn't move.

Dream tugged on my arm. "Y/N!"

I didn't move, staring wide-eyed at the destruction and carnage. Did...they come here...because of me...? I whispered.

Dream suddenly grabbed the long chain still connected to my wrists, saying, "I'm sorry, but we have to go! Don't let their fighting be in vain!"

Dream started running off, and I had to follow to avoid getting slammed face-first into the ground.

Dream, what...what happened?!

"Cross...XGaster took control of Cross and used his connection to get here! We need to get you to the edge of the town so we can open a portal to another place!"

Tears welled up in my eyes. It WAS because of me...

"Stay positive, Y/N! The last thing we need is Nightmare coming back!"

I ran a little faster to catch up with Dream, rubbing my eyes. Sorry, sorry. Okay, happy thoughts...

"But also, don't get distracted from moving!"


We moved swiftly through the town, the only sounds being the faint fighting behind us and our feet hitting the ground. We eventually reached the edge of the town, gazing out across the white void.

Dream quickly made a portal and jumped through, pulling me along.

However, before I could get fully through the portal, strings wrapped around my legs, making me fall. I looked back in fear to see the discolored Muffet.

"Uh, uh, uh! XGaster is most displeased with you for trying to escape us."

I don't care what he thinks, let me go!

Dream jumped back through the portal and pulled out his double blades, slashing the string away and pulling me to my feet. "Y/N, go!"


Dream shoved me back through the portal and closed it. But as he closed it, I saw him getting cocooned by Muffet.

No! I cried, but it was too late. The portal was closed.

I collapsed to my knees, the tears from earlier making their reappearance. I sobbed as despair flowed through me like a tidal wave.

Surprisingly, Nightmare did not show up.

I slammed my fists into the ground, the chains jingling as they connected with each other. Why me?! I'm not important enough to keep making sacrifices for!

I stayed like that for a little while, crying and being angry. Eventually, I couldn't find it in myself to keep sobbing anymore and sniffled, rubbing my eyes and looking around.

I couldn't tell where I was at all. It just looked like a big forest. I shook myself slightly and gathered up the chains, standing up. I had to be somewhere in the multiverse, right? Just...where?

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