Chapter 06

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Murtasim got very angry. He never thought he would see such a thing in his life. He couldn't imagine that a girl like Meerab would be tortured by her husband in this way.

Doctor : Murtasim, the girl has been beaten for many days. The scars on her body were so many that this was the first time I couldn't hold back my tears. How did a man torture a girl like this?

Murtasim : Doctor, save her anyway. I will pay as much as it takes. Jitne bhi bare bare doctor hai, sabko bulaiye. Do everything. Everything means everything. I want my Meerab to be healthy.

Doctor : Murtasim, the doctor's religion is to heal the patient. And I will do that. I will do my best to heal her. But the rest is now in the hands of Allah. Murtasim, pray to Allah.          

The doctor left. Murtasim went to Zubair's mother and started crying with his face on the hem of Zubair's mom's sari. He sat on his knees.

Murtasim : Aunty, since when?

Zubair's mom : Since she got married. Zubair has always insulted and beaten her. And she quietly endures everything.

Murtasim : Will you support Meerab now?

Zubair's mom : What support?

Murtasim : You'll see later.

After a while, Zubair came to the hospital. Seeing him, Murtasim got so angry that he got up and slapped him a few times. Zubair was surprised.

Zubair : Sir, why are you beating me?

Murtasim : You bast***..!! Are you such an animal that you beaten an innocent girl like a flower?

He has beaten Zubair a lot in front of the whole hospital people.

Many people had gathered there.

Murtasim's friend Shihab is a doctor. He saw Murtasim and ran to stop him. Zubair's condition was very bad and his nose was bleeding.

Shihab : Murtasim, what are you doing? Leave him. He will die if you beat him like this.

Murtasim : I'll kill him. You don't know Shihab what he did with Meerab.

Shihab : Meerab? Where did you find Meerab?

Before Murtasim could say something to Shihab, the police came there. Murtasim had called the police earlier.

When the police came and took Zubair with them, Zubair said angrily,

Zubair : Is there any proof that I tortured and beat my wife?

Murtasim : You're talking again?

Saying this, he was trying to move forward to beat Zubair but Shihab grabbed him from behind.

Zubair's mom : I am the proof. My son has been abusing my daughter-in-law day after day. He used to beat her very hard, sir.

Zubair : Maa, what are you saying? I'm your son.

Zubair's mom : I have made the biggest mistake in my life by giving birth to an inhuman animal like you. Take him and punish him harder than ever. (She broke down in tears.)

Zubair was taken away by the police.

Three days passed but Meerab's condition was the same as before. Her family came. And Murtasim scolded them a lot.

Meerab's mother cried a lot. Her mother made many requests that she'll stay with Meerab. Murtasim also didn't say anything. What will he say because she is Meerab's mother.

Murtasim was standing on the balcony of his room with a picture of Meerab. He gently hugged Meerab's picture around his chest and took a deep breath. His mother and sister (Mariyam) came there.

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