chapter 15

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I woke up from the morning sun, shining through my large window. I rolled on my side just to take a moment to wake up and look outside.

It was so beautiful, I could see the ocean, trees, a little bit of pool just from laying in my bed.

I finally checked my phone for the time and it showed 9am.

*I should probably get up and go make something to eat. *

I decided not to change, I was already in pyjama shorts and a top.

As soon as I opened the door the smell of fresh pancakes hit my nose. It smelled so good, I almost made some sounds.

I walked in the main area and saw Miss Thompson in front of the stove looking all cute, making pancakes and taking sips of her coffee, might I add also in her pink/black PJ.

"Oh, Emily, good morning! " She said when she saw me walking in.

"Good morning." I responded.

Suddenly everything came back, from last night events and I got a little confused. She isn't pushing me away like always.

"Here, come and taste." She said cheerfully, holding a fork with a pancake on it.

"O-okay" I walked up to her and she fed me.

"Mm, it's good!"

"Yea?" She said excitedly.

"Yes, you might need to make more." I said smiling, looking in her eyes.

Another moment passed by with us just looking so deeply in each others eyes with smiles on our faces.

The moment did not last as long as I wanted to because we were interrupted by a voice coming from the hall.

"Damnn, something smells really delicious."

Cal came into our sight still stretching from his nights sleep.

"Good morning." I said putting a few pancakes on my plate.

"Good morning, Miss did you make these?" He asked.

"Yes, I sure did, hope you enjoy them." She said not really looking at us.

Soon Sofie and Adrian woke up too and we all ate breakfast. Whilst the three of them talked, I realized that Miss Thompson and I haven't said anything for this whole time.

I looked at her and she looked deep in thought.

"Well, thanks for the delicious breakfast, I'm going to my room now." I said after washing my plate.

Miss Thompson snapped her head up to look at me and smiled. "Okay."

I gave an awkward smile back and walked away.


Its been about an hour and a half now and I've just been chilling in my room texting with my bestie but at this moment I was listening to music in my headphones with my eyes closed.

It was my way of meditating and taking some time to collect my thoughts.

I was so lost in my head that I didn't hear the knock. I did however feel a tap on my hand.

I quickly opened my eyes and saw Cal's face.

"Sorry to disturb you but we are going to the mall to get a few things, do you wanna come with?"

"Ehm, ye sure."

*its been a while since I bought myself some new clothes.*

"Okay, I call dips on the front seat." He said as I put on my shoes.

"Suree, are we all going?" I asked.

"Nah, Sof and Adrian are gonna stay here and chill, so it's just us two and Miss T."

We went to the car where Miss Thompson was already waiting for us.

"We ready to go?" She asked starting the engine.

"Let's goo!" Cal said buckling up.

"Yea, we can go." I said sitting in the back behind Cal and putting in my headphones.

The whole ride I was in my own world looking out the window as we past the trees, house's, people. A few times I catched Miss Thompson looking at me through the mirror but I didn't really react.

We arrived at the mall and agreed to split up and meet in the center of it after 2h.

After a little over and hour I somehow had already bought a lot of new clothes and accessories.

Because I had some time left I decided to buy a bottle of red wine and cigarettes too, for myself to enjoy at night.

After that I just figured I could already go and wait in the center.

When I was there I noticed a piano, that anybody who wanted could play.

*Did I mention I knew how to play the piano pretty fine? I went to music school for a few years but I haven't played for some time. *

*Oh, what the hell. I really enjoy playing. Might as well.*

I walked up to it, sat down and started playing *gymnopedie no. 1*. It's actually a pretty easy song to play and I knew that I could play it without practicing. It was in my muscle memory.

As my fingers touched the keys I totally went to a different reality. I actually forgot how much I enjoy the feeling when play a piano.

It felt like flying over green forest and tall mountains, like taking a breath of fresh air in the morning, like all your worries and thoughts disappear and you are just there in the moment.

Angelinas pov:

I knew I would be done with my shopping with a little time left so I just decided to already go to the center. I could hear a faint piano playing in the distance.

It was heavenly.

But the closer I went the more I started to wonder if I knew the person. From the back she looked familiar.

*Its Emily.*

I had no idea that she knew how to play the piano. And she was so good!

When she finished all I wanted to do was run up to her and tell her how beautiful that was, but I decided against it and just pretend I didn't hear anything. As of now.

Of course I wasn't the only fan here. Other people from the mall noticed her playing too and stopped by to listen, so now there were many who clapped for her.

Suddenly Cal came from behind. "Why is everybody clapping?"

"I don't really know." I answered, startled.

"Why is everyone looking at you and clapping?" Cal asked Emily when we walked up.

"Oh it's not for me." She said with a suspicious chuckle looking around.

*Hm, she doesn't want us to know. But
I didn't ask any questions and we rode back home.

Not edited.
I'm going to post another soon!

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