chapter 1

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Emily's pov:

"Hey mom, I'm home!"

I walked in the living room and saw my mom sitting on the couch with an empty wine bottle on the coffee table and a full glass of wine in her hand.

I watched as she drank all the wine in her glass in a matter of seconds and looked at me.

She had puffy eyes, like she had been crying and looked tired af. I haven't seen her like this since she divorced my dad, which was year's ago.

"Mom are you okay, what happened?!" I said in a concerned voice.

"We are moving to a different city in a week"
She sighed and looked down at her lap, as I looked at her confused.

"Justin and I got in a big fight and we broke up, I won't stan living in the same city with him so we are going to move out. " She said with a slight anger and sadness in her voice.

Justin was anotherone of her shit boyfriends, but this time i guess it was serious, because we never really moved, just the time my mom divorced dad.

I felt really bad for my mom, because even if Justin was shit and a creep, she truly loved him for whatever reason, and he made her happy.

"Mom, don't worry, it's gonna be alright, you have me, we will move away, start a new life just the two of as like old times and you will find someone who cares about you and deserves you" I moved closer to hug her, as she broke down in my arms.

We sat like that for what felt like hour's, but in reality it was a few minutes. I stayed there, because I knew she needed me and my comfort right at this moment.

After she pulled herself together for her to talk, she backed from my arms and looked in my eyes with a *thank you* smile. "I'm really thankful for a daughter like you, Em" She sighed and looked at her lap. " I know I don't tell you that enough, but I really am... "
She kissed my cheek and stood up from the sofa and started walking to the kitchen.

"I'm going to order us some pizza! " she yelled from the kitchen.

"Sounds good" I said as I walked to my room.

We lived in a small 2 bedroom house, because we just simply didn't need a bigger one.

I walked in my room and started to rewind of what had just happened.

I really love my mom but we don't really know each other that much. So what had just happened in the living room was a weird experience. Don't get me wrong, I liked being there for my mom when she needed me, but it was just *not us*

*mby we started bonding*

I laughed to myself at that thought.

Week later:

It was the day before moving and I had already packed my things, so all that was left in my room was my mattress (so that I had a place to sleep tonight) and like 20 boxes, all the walls were plain and white and it looked not cozy at all.
I am the type of person that has posters on walls, vines hanging from the ceiling and little lights all around the room. I'm not the cleanest person but I'm not that messy too.

My mom had calmed down and wasn't so sad anymore, she was starting to get excited about moving and starting a new life!

I wasn't really sad about leaving the city I had spent like 5 years of my life in, because I never really had friends here and it was totally fine, cuz I wasn't the people type of person. I have had bf and gf before so I wasn't inexperienced *wink wink.*

I was actually happy on finally leaving this place and this boring ass school, with these old ass teachers.

It was a start of the summer which was a good timing to move, because I would start a new year in a different city and a different school. And I can try and get a summer job for extra money for my nic and alcohol addiction.

It was already 11 pm and the movers were coming at 9am so I started to get ready for bed. I took my pajamas from one of the boxes and went for a quick shower. Before brushing my teeth, I went to my bedroom, took a pack of my cigarettes from my jacket and walked to the window. I still wasn't old enough to smoke or drink but I was going to be eighteen in a couple of months so it didnt really matter, my old dealer knew a guy who could sell me things in the new city so that wasn't a problem. I lit the cigarette and started smoking as I sat on my windowsill and watched the stars, I even saw a shooting star. It was wonderful. My last day in this boring city was finally coming to an end.
When the cigarette was done, I closed the window and finally went to brush my teeth.
After that I came back to my room and drifted off to sleep one last time in my old room...

*Short chapter but ou well :)*

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