chapter 13

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November 5th.

"All right everyone, listen up." Miss Thompson said loudly. "The school board decided to fund an all expenses paid, five day 'vacation' at Noosa Shire beach, for 8 of the students with the highest mark on a test I'm about to give you." She looked at everyone and continued. "Those students will then have to represent our school in the student poem competition next month. They will use those five days to get some inspiration and new ideas." People began to whisper about the news, but Miss Thompson shut them up pretty fast.

She started going around the room giving everyone a paper.

"Me and Ms Miller will be your chaperones for the trip."

*Damn, I really need a small break, but if miss Thompson is going too I don't think it will be good for me.*

When she finally reached my desk I looked up at her. She gave me a warm smile and walked past.

*Either way I'll give it my best.*

After some time people started to submit their tests, and soon enough I was done too.

I walked back to my seat and opened my phone to pass my time till the class was over. Mia had actually asked the principal to switch to Mrs Walkers classe because 'she didn't want to do anything' and begged me to do the same, but I refused so I could actually learn something.

Finally the bell rang and everyone started packing up. "We will announce the results some time this week." Miss Thompson said over all the chatting.

I walked out without any confidence that I'll be in the top 8, but I did my best and that's more important.


Three days later I had totally forgotten about the test and the trip. I was sitting with Mia and Dan at the lunch table just talking about some random topics when all of a sudden the announcement bell rang.

"Good afternoon students!" The principals voice was heard through the speaker. "I will announce the 8 lucky students going to the trip." Everyone got quie. "Liam Parker, Andrea Moore, Charlie Cruz, ........, and lastly Emily William's! More info about the trip we will email to you!"

I looked up wide eyed from my food at my two best friends, they both had this stupid smile on their faces.

"Wow, Emily! I didn't know you were such a nerd." Dan said smirking. "Who knew you had it in you." Mia added.

"Shut up, guys! There probably was a mistake." I answer.

"Stop Emily, you are just simply smart, we are so proud of you!" They smiled at me. "Thank you." I smiled back.

Then they returned back to the previous conversation.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I froze. "Good job Miss William's." She softly whispered in my ear sending shivers down my back.

When I finally snapped back in reality the hand was gone, and when I turned to look at her she was walking away looking as hot as always.

I swallowed, my throat feelings dry suddenly.

*Chill out Em, just chill out.... *


As soon as I got home I went on my computer and checked my email for more information.

We are leaving Monday morning and we are back Saturday afternoon. We meet in front of the school at 7am, then the bus will take us to the airport. The plane leaves at 12am and we will be there at 2pm. And from my understanding the school board rented us two private houses near the beach?



Monday rolled around and I was half asleep picking out what to wear today. I decided on a black tank top, grey sweat pants and black Jordans 1. I made two French braids and put on a little bit of blush and mascara so I look a little less dead.

I had packed a small suitcase and a backpack for the trip. I walked down stairs with my stuff and placed everything next to the door. I heard my mom in the kitchen so I went to say goodbye.

"Ah Em, have a wonderful trip." She smiled at me and hugged me. "I'm so proud of you, honey." She said whilst hugging me.

"Thank you mom."

We broke the hug and she gave me a quick peck on my cheek. "Okay hurry up, Dan is already waiting outside, and you don't want to be the last one there. Here I made some breakfast for you on your way there." She gave me a bag.

"Thank you so much, byee!" I called walking out the door.

Dan was kind enough and agreed to drive me to school more early than he needed himself to be there.

And there he was. My dear friend waiting for me in his car. He also looked half asleep and dead, but I don't blame him it was 6.40 in the morning.

"Good morning!" I said opening the door.

He groaned back at me. "How can you be in such a good mood this early."

"Becausee, I'm going on a free vaca!" I giggle.

He gave me a sarcastic smile and started driving.

I luckily wasn't the last one there. We pulled up to the bus and we got out. Dan helped me with my bags and drove off. "Good morning everyone!" I said, stepping in the bus.

"Good morning." They answered in unison.

"Good morning Emily." Miss Thompson smiled at me, and I smiled back.

*God, her eyes.*

She looked so good in casual clothing. She wore skinny jeans with a comfy looking sweater. Her hair were in a bun and she had almost no make up on.

I sat the row next to her because everywhere else was occupied.

We were still waiting on Ms Miller who seemed to be a little late.

After some time she finally arrived. "I'm here, I'm here, sorry. We can go now." She said hurriedly walking in and going to the back.

The whole ride was 40 minutes and through out it me and Miss Thompson would sneak a few looks at each other, not able to keep our eyes away.

When we finally arrived at the airport I was thankful that there were thing to keep me distracted from her.

And as on the flight I was sitting diagonally in front of her so I couldn't see her but she could see me, and I would sometimes just feel here eyes on me.

We arrived at the city and got into another bus that will take us to our home for the next 5 days.

Driving there Ms Miller stood up and went to the front and whispered something to Miss Thompson. She whispered back and Miller nodded her head.

"All right guys, since we have two houses to occupie and we are two teachers, you will be split into two groups, one will go with Miss Thompson and the other with me." She called out. "If I say your name you will live with me."

She called out the names, but mine wasn't there.

*Shit, how will I be able to live in the same house with Miss Thompson and act normally!?*

I looked at her but she was already looking at me. She clearly saw that I was deep in thought about this, but she just smirked and turned away.


A/n: not edited.

Miss Thompson. (TeacherxStudent) Where stories live. Discover now