Chaper 2: I've Been Searching For A Trail To Follow Again

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Ethan took Val to his house; they snuck out her window. His mom understood the situation, but said, "Keep the door cracked; no closed doors please. I want my baby boy to stay innocent."

A month had gone by since the incident at Val's house. They were inseparable. Everyone, even Ethan's mom, thought they were dating, but they weren't. They hung out all throughout school and after school. They would go to the park late at night to get drunk and high, spend the weekends at Ethan's house, spend after school at Ethan's house until Val's curfew, and every single Friday, they went to the movies. They even watched the most shitty movies as an excuse to go; it was their tradition.

One Tuesday, Ethan was at his therapy session. He was rambling on and on about how happy Val made him, how he felt like he didn't have to hide who he was from her. "I think I'm falling in love," Ethan said as the slow realization hit. "Shit. What should I do?"
His therapist, also like his best friend, Mrs. Flynn, looked at him, "Ethan. I am so grateful you have her. I think you should tell her how you feel. She might feel the same way."
"There's no way. I mean, she doesn't act like it," Ethan said as he leaned back on the couch.
"You never know, I mean women are complicated," Mrs. Flynn sighed.
Ethan looked at her, "Yeah I know, I technically am one still. In the eyes of the government and school at least."
Mrs. Flynn just looked at him before laughing, "Ethan, you need to tell her. And fuck the government and school."
"Don't you work for the government?" Ethan asked, genuinely wondering.
Mrs. Flynn rubbed her head, thinking. "Well. Technically, yes, but that doesn't mean I have to like the government. I can't even have a child with my wife."

"Wait, you're a lesbian?"

"Technically no. I'm bi, but.. Wait, this is your therapy session," she laughed.
The timer went off and Ethan grinned, "Welp, time's up. I'll see you in two weeks." He gathered his things up and was at the door.

"Tell Val. Please, Ethan. Por Favor?"

"I'm gonna kill myself. You saying por favor is gonna be in the suicide note," Ethan said as he walked out.

He went towards the park to meet up with Val.  They always met up after his therapy sessions. He would talk about what him and Mrs. Flynn talked about, but not everything, especially the stuff about Val. He didn't want her to worry about him; he felt that she had so much going on already. Val had her hair put up into a ponytail; she was wearing a crop top for the first time in a year, because she had a random boost of confidence that morning, with ripped blue jeans and red converse. She was sitting on the swing drinking a monster while waiting for Ethan. She finally saw him and ran up to him.

"Holy shit," Ethan said as he saw Val. He had never really seen her in a crop top, so he was shocked.
"What? Do I have something on me?" Val asked as she started looking at herself, panicking.

"No. You look fucking beautiful," Ethan said, admiring her beauty.
Val blushed a little as she smiled widely, "You complement me too much."
"Only because it's all true," Ethan said, "I can stop if you want me to though." He took her monster and drank some of it. Val shook her head, "No, it's sweet. So what movie are we seeing Friday?"
"You're in luck. They're playing the most iconic horror movie in cinematic history," Ethan said, smiling widely.

"Oh my god. They're playing Scream?" Val joked.

Ethan shoved her jokingly, "Yeah totally. No you dumbass. Killer Klowns From Outer Space."

"I wouldn't say that's the most iconic horror movie, Scream exists," Val said. "So how was therapy?"

"It was therapy. I don't wanna talk about it today," Ethan responded. He didn't want Val to know that he had only talked about her at that session. "I have an idea. Let's get high and get slushies from seven eleven."

"Fucking. Yes."

That Friday, they went to see Killer Klowns From Outer Space. They had gotten a little high beforehand, so they both had the munchies, so they bought a huge bucket of popcorn and a large cherry coke to share.

They sat in the middle of the cinema. At the bathroom scene of the movie, Val looked at Ethan and said, "I think I'm really fucking high, not just a little," she laughed, "Do you want this to be our first date?"

"Shh this is the best pa-" Ethan cut himself off as he processed what she asked and he looked at her, "Wait what?"

All they hear is the screams of Debbie in the movie as Val leaned and kissed Ethan. The weed had given her confidence that she very much needed.
Ethan looked at her after the kiss was over, "Holy fuck. I think I'm horny now."
"Me too," Val said.

They abandoned their drink and popcorn as they rushed to the bathroom. They went into the big stall. As the clothes came off, they forgot about all of their insecurities. By the time the movie was over, they were finished. Literally. They walked out of the bathroom with messy hair, wrinkled clothes, and each other's shoes on. Ethan also let Val wear his jacket. He told her, "Do not pull anything out of the pockets."  That night, they went to Ethan's house. Ethan's mom noticed the messy hair, messy clothes, and different shoes. They went into Ethan's room and the both of them flopped on his bed. Val looked into his eyes, "Will you be my boyfriend?"
"I think considering we just fucked, you should know the answer. I would love to be your boyfriend, Valerie Reyes. I will try my best to make sure no one ever hurts you again," Ethan responded, looking back into her eyes.

Val smiled and kissed him gently.

The two of them fell asleep in each other's arms. Ethan's mom opened the door and looked at them, "My angels," she whispered as she went to cover them up with the blanket. She walked out the door and shut it, but not fully, only halfway.

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