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"I think I gotta throw up...", you muttered as Viktor pulled the pictures of your fresh injury up on his screen, together with a scan of your internal organs.

"Not all over my chair, please.", he said drily and closed the image again, clearly realising that you weren't a fan of your own guts hanging out of your stomach. "It was a major injury, I couldn't stabilise your body without adjusting the ground rules of it."

You frowned, your toes wiggling in the air to give your legs back the feeling of his blood flowed.

"Ground rules?", you asked and, as if by chance, let two fingers run along your eyes.

He noticed the movement, his eyes following behind toned glasses.

"Flesh isn't very efficient.", he said, which made him sound like one of the many rippers you've met over the course of your life. "It doesn't heal well and takes more time. Once the damage is done not everything is reversible."

You caressed your stomach, right where your organs had spilled out mere hours ago.

Viktor had told you that you had been out cold for about a day and a half, not included the few times of wake that you've had during him operating.

From the way he had talked about it it didn't seem to be a big deal to him. After all, you were all fixed up and alive again.

"You mean you replaced my abs?", you asked, curious but also afraid of the answer.

Implants that covered large areas were expensive as fuck. And you didn't have a single eddie on you because Dex, that greedy motherfucker, had pocketed it all and would only pass on what your share actually was worth.

"I had to.", Viktor admitted and showed you the stats of your scan. "The lining of your stomach was all messed up. Back and front. Had to replace that as well."

"I have an artificial stomach now?"

"Was the only option I had. You were filled with blood. Like a balloon."

A sigh slipped off your lips. Even though you weren't a fan, he was probably right. You couldn't have survived an injury like that without some major replacements.

If an artificial stomach and some abs made of metal were the price for your life you were willing to pay this debt.

Your eyes wandered along the scan. Your vitals seemed fine, at least you hoped so by looking at them. No broken bones, or rather, not anymore since that had been part of his testament.

But something caught your attention.

Riddled, you pointed at your eyes.

"What's that?", you asked, even through you knew the answer. "I don't have Kiroshi eyes."

A satisfied huff escaped Viktor.

"You didn't.", he said. "Now you do."

"You exchanged my optics?"

"The old ones weren't compatible with the cyberware that I needed to fix you. It was either become blind or get new optics."

With a frown, you glanced at him. So that was why you felt like your vision was better. He had given you the finest of the fine.

That made you wonder what else he had changed.

"Listen, sweetheart, I see the mistrust in your eyes, but there was nothing' I could do.", Viktor tapped something on the screen and a list of details popped up on top of your scan. "You needed new optics. And I also exchanged your knuckle implants for cameo iron fists. To be on the safe side."

Now you couldn't help but stare at him with a certain kind of fright. All these things were hella expensive, but just that, but also fine ass cyberware that came close to military grade.

Only Militech itself produced more lethal cyberware.

Just thinking about the price made your body cruel.

"I got stabbed so you gave me an overall update?", yes, you did fail to hide the judgement in your question.

But how else were you supposed to react?

This was a shitload of money just to save a simple street kids life. And no, you didn't buy it if he said he had done it out of generosity.

There wasn't a single soul good enough in this place to actually do that. No one.

You refused to believe that for just one second.

And Viktor seemed to notice. Maybe it was due to his job and the close contact with people, but he seemed to be able to read you quite easily.

Taking a deep breath, he wheeled away on his small chair and spread his legs so that he could stretch.

It was in that moment that you noticed he wasn't just big. He was large, with a broad back and long legs. His dark pants were also stained with blood, but that wasn't really surprising.

The boots that covered his feet were old and used. It was probably long overdue to get new ones but he seemed to like his better.

"I did what I thought was best from my point as a doc.", he said, his arms resting on his thighs. "You can complain, but that won't change the fact that you need all of this cyberware to survive."

Swallowing hard, you narrowed your eyes.

His left hand stuck in a glove, covered with some sort of metal that formed into claws. A surgical glove, common for rippers. Although his seemed kind of shabby and low end.

It struck you as odd that this was an actual glove for wear. Most rippers just got an implant instead.

At the second glance you noticed the marks on the top of his arm. Dots could be seen all over the place skin, accompanied by his clearly visible blue veins. Traces of drug use, like stabilisers.

"Are you..?", you swallowed the question since it wasn't your place to assume anything.

Not after what he had done for you.

His eyes briefly wandered down to his arm, as if he knew what your had intended to ask. But he didn't say anything. It must have made him uncomfortable.

Or it simply wasn't any of your business.

"I'll pay you back.", you said and slipped out the chair.

Immediately, he rose to follow you. It made you assume he wanted his money now. Unfortunately, you didn't have any.

"You shouldn't leave yet.", he said, confusing you.

Your mouth was already open to answer as, all of a sudden and without wanting, the metal gate opened and a blue haired woman stormed in.

"Who's your favourite daughter-in-law?!", she cheered and pointed at herself. "Me. I know. No need to tell."

"V...", Viktor sighed, a hint of an embarrassed smirk on his lips.

Viktor Vektor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now