Chapter 8 - Make your choice...

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Zhang: Kid... (He noticed her beautiful and very particular eyes.) Did you come here alone? (She nodded.) Do you know Smith? (She shook her head, but the businessman was sure that she was lying.) Really?

Club owner: Zhang, I'm sorry about that. I will make her leave quickly. (He nodded to his man who grabbed the little girl's arm.)

Zhang: Hold on. (He noticed her frown.) You're hurting her. (He came closer and bent to her eyes level.) I am sure that Smith will not be happy to hear that you are here alone. 

Zhang assistant understood the situation and stepped back to call Salvatore, and to inform him of the presence of that child in the club.

The club owner was a bit embarrassed by the situation, no knowing what to do with that kid. Zhang was sure that this little girl was a relative of Smith and he couldn't let her leave alone. He made her sit in one of the couch of the VIP corner, freshly renovated.

The two men sat too, and they continued their conversation in Chinese. Suki looked around to see if she could run away but there was guards near the entry door.


30 minutes earlier, Dante parked his car in front of Suki's school.

His father and Gabriel were, once again, stuck with a meeting and Dante was requested to pick-up the new family member from school.

He was waiting outside of his car, smoking a cigarette when the first children came out. He recognized some that were bullying Suki the other day, so he crushed his cigarette on the ground.

All students had now left the school, but Suki was not there. The group of what he thought was in her class was still there. Dante approached them and asked about the little girl.

Dante: Eh... You know Suki Tanaka?

Girl 1: Euh... yeah, she is in our class, why? You know her?

Dante: Do you know where she is? She didn't come out.

Girl2 : Why do you care?

Boy: He must be her sugar daddy... I heard her mother works in a club.

Girl 2: Ahhh... it's disgusting... (She stared at Dante from head to toe.)

Girl 1: I'm not surprise... like mother like daughter... (She laughed.)

Dante was not the most patient guy usually but hearing those kids talking like that pissed him off even more and his mafia side was taking the lead.. His tone and facial expression became darker. 

Boy: That little bi***... she is playing the innocent type... but I should have tried my chance...

Dante: (He slapped the boy very hardly, making him fall.) Shut the fu** off! Pervert! (He glared at the two girls.) I have no time to lose, where is she? Where is Suki?

Girl 1: We... we don't know... she left at lunch time...

Boy: (He touched his red cheek.) Are you crazy?! I will sue you!! (He stood up.) How dare you hit a minor? 

Dante was towering the boy. The two girls stepped back, scared.

Dante: A kid should not speak like that... I only corrected your bad manners... but do it... try to sue me...

Girl 2: We don't know where she is... you should go!

Girl: (She grabbed the boy's arm.) Let's go... that guy is crazy...

A missing piece... The other half - A Mafia Brothers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now