Chapter 1 - Fumiko Tanaka...

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New-York, January 2022.
Life was slowly taking back its place after the pandemic. The Smith family passed throw those moments like others, being stuck in their house or illegally going out, not really fearing the law. They had a business to run after all and the New-York police department was half corrupted.

But that pandemic had also been a way to expand the family's business with the Chinese Mafia. Medical supplies were more valuable than gold at that time.

Tonight, Salvatore Smith had a meeting in a private club, owned by one of his Chinese partner. Itwas a habit after every successful deal, share a drink.

Salvatore Smith: Congratulations Zhang, it was, as usual, a great deal for both of us.

Zhang: Thanks Smith. This time, I plan to take some days off and enjoy what you, American people, have to offer to tourist. If you have recommendations, please tell us.

Salvatore Smith: I am sure that your team already prepared a complete itinerary for you and your family. (He thought a second.) A musical, maybe? We can have the best seats for you.

Zhang: That's sound great, my wife loves all those chanting movies... you are definitively helping me to gain points.

The two men had drunk a reasonable amount of alcohols and Salvatore needed a technical break. After doing his business, he checked his phone and made a quick call to his eldest son. They exchanged few minutes until his attention was focused on a woman behind the bar. He ended his call, quickly looked in direction of the table where he was sitting with Zhang and saw the businessman talking on his phone. Salvatore stared again toward the bar to see if that woman he saw was still there and she was. He walked with his superior aura through the bar and took a seat. He patiently waited for the waitress to notice his presence.

Waitress: What can I serve you? (She eventually looked at him.) Salvatore!

Salvatore Smith: Fumiko, it's really you... What are you doing here, behind that bar? You work here?

The waitress was shocked to see that man in front of her. She would have never imagined to cross his path ever again. He was staring at her with his black eyes, but not in an intimidating way.

Fumiko Tanaka: Euh... yes, I'm working, as you can see.

Salvatore Smith: Why are you working here? It's far from what you studied at school. You should work in a big company, not in a place like this or been married with kids at home!

Fumiko Tanaka: Sometimes life is not going as expected... are you here to order a drink? If the manager sees me talking with a client for too long, he will misunderstand the situation.

Salvatore Smith: Here... (He handed her his business card.) Call me tomorrow and I will find a more suitable job for you.

Fumiko Tanaka: Salvatore, please, forget that you saw me here tonight... (She couldn't look him in the eyes and refused the card.)

Salvatore sighed. He didn't understand her reaction. It was true that they never saw each others after those few weeks together, but they had shared something that was meaningful at the time. An unnamed relationship that brought comfort to them during a though time. She was way too young for him and he, in some sense, had regrets to have use that innocent girl to ease the pain of loosing his wife. He wanted to help her.

Salvatore Smith: Call me! (He put the card in his hand.) If you don't, I will have to come back here tomorrow night!

Salvatore stood up and went back toward the corner reserved for him and Zhang. The Mafia Don didn't have the time to sit back that yells and gun shots were heard. He jumped behind one of the couch and took out his gun, scanning the place to identify who was attacking and from where. Zhang also protected himself with the table before some of his men came as shield in front of him. The clubbers were running for their lives.

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