Chapter 7 - Time to say Goodbye...

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Gabriel, Dante and Salvatore were working since hours in the garden's house meeting room. They were trying to track the killers of Fumiko Tanaka. In the house, Enzo went to his bedroom and logged to his computer for a game party. He needed to relax after seeing the photos of Suki's mother. He had his headphones and was completely disconnected of reality.

Gianni left around 10.00pm. He was awaited in the city for an underground boxing match where one of his men was fighting. Vito didn't want to stay at home and accompanied Gianni.

Davide was left alone, and it was a good occasion to make things clear, with what he considered his father's mistake. He went upstairs and opened the room's door where the little girl was supposed to be, but it was empty. Then, he went to his elder brother's room, and he found her, asleep. He approached the bed in silence, only with the light coming from the outside through the big window to guide him. He put his knee on the bed near Suki and when she moved to be on her back, he put a hand on her mouth, preventing her to yell.

Davide: Don't try to yell or even move... (Suki stared at him with fear and tears, in her sleepy eyes.) There is no one for you here... my Dad only feels guilty because he slept with your mother after my mother's dead, he doesn't care about a bastard child like you... so... be a good girl... and disappear! Take your stuffs and disappear just like you appeared in our lives... without a word! Do you understand? (She nodded while silently crying.) Good, I will be nice and even give you some bucks... 

Davide kept his dark and menacing eyes on the little girl while he stood up from his position. As soon as his hand was not on her mouth, Suki jumped from the bed. Davide smirked and slowly walked toward the door. He was satisfied.

When she was sure that the young man would not come back, she let her body fall along the wall. She needed to leave that house. She calmed a little bit and looked around her. It was quiet, organized, a man's room without useless things or flashy colors. She stood up like a zombie and spotted her bag and shoes on the corner of the room.

Suki grabbed her school bag to take her wallet and phone inside. She grabbed her shoes and went to the guests' room. She took few clothes and a bag pack. She was putting everything inside when the door opened with a big silhouette in the frame.

Gabriel: Suki? What are you doing? It's 1.00am, you should sleep.

The little girl stopped moving but she didn't turn herself to face her brother, nor she answered him. In fact, she didn't want to talk to anyone anymore.

Gabriel entered and stopped behind her. He quickly understood the situation. He was not prepared to that and was not sure about how to deal with it.

Gabriel: Eh... eh... what are you doing? You are not trying to sneak out of the house in the middle of the night, right? (She still didn't answer.) Suki... talk to me... (He sighed.) Where were you going anyway? You were not just thinking to hang out in the streets?  

Suki didn't know what to do. She had missed the opportunity to flee now that Gabriel was there. What will happen when Davide will see that she is still in his house? Will she have another chance to leave? She flinched when Gabriel put his hand on her shoulder.

Gabriel: Please, don't be afraid of me... talk to me... if you don't say anything, how can I help you or even understand you?

Despite his soft tone, Gabriel couldn't make Suki interact with him. She needed more time and eventually a professional to help her in her process of grieving.

Gabriel: If you have issue to sleep, the doctor prescribed medicine that can help you. Do you want some? Or warm milk? Suki... (She shook her head.) Can we sit together? (She sat at the border of the bed, looking down, he sat next to her.) You will never talk to me ever again? Is it just against me? Did I do something that displeased you? You can tell me.

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