Chapter 41

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The chief general birthday party was interrupted by a person who ran hurriedly to him.

"Chief Chief"

Chief general got irritated as he glanced at Venkat the head security.Venkat stopped him from disturbing the Chief general, "Can't you see he was busy entertaining the guests?"

That person was panting hard,"Venkat,there is no time.The investigating bureau was coming to arrest our Chief"

His voice bit aloud so the near by people have heard what he said.

"Arrest me?Who dares to arrest me?" Chief general chuckled.

"Chief general?It's ex-chief general" A voice said.

Everyone looked at the handsome young man who is in early thirties wearing a military uniform.He was so dashing making the girls around to stare him.

Venkat stood in front of the young man,"Who are you?"

"Manish ,the new appointed Chief general" the person next to Manish replied calmly.

A loud gasp echoed around the house.

Chief general face started to get darkened.He have heard about Manish family one of the influential family in the country.Chief general family members were confused to see armed officers in their house saying they are here to arrest him.

"Mr.Manish ,there must be some misunderstanding" Chief general said and glanced at Venkat ,the latter nodded his head as he moved to make a call.

Manish noticed that and grabbed the phone from Venkat startling him.He turned to his people, "Arrest them"

Before Venkat could ran he was caught by Manish people.Chief general was arrested as well.

"How dare you?Do you know who Iam?Do you know the consequences of arresting me without any proof?"Chief general protest against them.

"Proof?Seeing the people here I thought of saving your face in front of the guests.But" Manish directly stared at him, "Let's tell them that you are a scumbag who trade the military weapons to our enemy country"

The guest were started to whisper among themselves.

"Is he supplying the weapons to our enemy country?"

"How dare he have the face to flaunt in front of us that he is the patriotic person"

"He is wolf in sheep.He must have got heavy sum for trading the weapons"

"No wonder his house were filled with expensive things"

Chief general started to sweat after hearing their words,"No.That's not true"

He started to panic.How did they found this?That guy made sure that no one will find this.

"Not true?Do you want me to announce everyone that five years ago you killed the previous Chief general and sat in his position" Manish words erupted another gasp.

"What you killed my husband?" A woman in fifties staggered as she tried to walk towards them.

"Mom" A girl next to her held her.

Manish sighed that he had to told the truth to them,"He didn't died because of heart attack.Chief general killed him"

That woman started to cry,"How could you?You both are best friends for thirty years.How could you kill him?"

She started to hit Chief general ,"Why?Why did you do that?" When she was about to faint her daughter caught her in arms glaring at Chief general,"My father trusted you.That's why he made me to marry your son.How could you kill my father?"

"Dad" Chief general son looked at his father and then at his wife.He stood their helplessly.He know his father suddenly raised in position after the death of his father-in-law.He thought his father deserved his position.Not even in his dreams he could have thought he killed him.

"Time up.Take them out" Manish ordered the soldiers and went out.

Venkat started to panic,"He is the one who killed and trade the weapons.Why are you arresting me?"

Manish didn't reply to him instead he walked out of the house.

"I didn't expect Uncle to be such person" Shelly hands started to tremble when she saw Venkat was arrested.

Atharva agreed to her, "We can't tell them just looking at their outer experience"

Shelly bit her lips,What if Venkat spill the beans about Manushi,

'No,no.Iam sure that man promised me that no one will know about what I did to Manushi

After all no one could find Manushi's body because he said he will take care of her body

Venkat didn't know that I was the one who killed her.He was just a person who manipulated the records.Iam sure that I will not get caught.'

Shelly assured herself that this matter was only related to some smuggling weapons to another country.She calmed herself.

Atharva stopped the car in front of Shelly's villa.He gently stroked her hair,"Don't think about anything.Have some rest"

Hearing his concerned voice made Shelly to blush, "Hmm you too"

She went inside to her villa.

Atharva started the car,his mind went back to the party.He was sure that he felt a deep gaze on him when he looked his eyes met with Anjali's eyes.He was taken back by her.Anjali eyes filled with hatred which directed towards him.She looks like a girl who emerged from the fire.

What made her to hate him?This is the first time he met her.They didn't even spoken a single word but why?

When he wanted to approach her ,suddenly he was blocked a man who came with her.

Judging by his appearance Atharva was sure that he was not an ordinary man.But why he was with Anjali?

Then he also saw Aditya with them.

Does Aditya also know her?

Atharva admitted that he had bad opinions on Anjali after hearing Shelly.But still his heart said that Anjali was not that kind of person.

Anjali knows the vice president of Rajvanshi group,Rishi Rajvanshi.She knows Aditya and extraordinary man as well.

Who is she? 

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