Chapter 26

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Anjali stared at the stranger who is having a phone in his hand who looked familiar.She blinked couple of times to remember him.

"Don't tell me you have forgotten me?" Reyansh gasped,"How can you forget this handsome face who handed you the trophy when you won?" The bulb above Anjali's head was switched on.

"Wait,you were the one who called me continuously?" Anjali waved her phone in front of him.

Reyansh nodded his head ,"Didn't you promised me that you will buy me food?Let's go" He grabbed her hand as he walked towards his car.

"Hey wait" before she protest Anjali was shoved into the car.Reyansh started the car.

"Hey don't you think what you are doing is kidnapping?" Anjali had the urge to hit his head with her bag, "How did you even got my number?"

"That's so simple.Don't you know my family is one of the shareholder of Jaipur university" Reyansh said it proudly.

The car stopped in front of "Feel Happy" restaurant which was owned by Reyansh.

Anjali heard this restaurant from one of her classmate.This restaurant was opened two years ago instantly became famous.Food and taste might be the secondary reason,the main reason was because of the handsome chef who also the owner of "Feel Happy".

Monthly once the owner brings the orphaned children to his restaurant to have a food.To let them taste the luxurious food.When Anjali heard that she was really moved.

Reyansh already informed his workers in the restaurant to not to acknowledge him.He told that he will bring his friend to dine here so he asked them to behave normal.

As a gentleman Reyansh politely asked Anjali to sit on the chair.Anjali felt the hair on her arms were raised ,"Oh please,being gentleman is not suitable to you"

The manager who walked over to them almost tripped when he heard her saying

"I know I just tried" Reyansh shrugged and sat across to her.He took the menu in his hand "What do you like to have?"

Anjali looked at the menu and looked confused, "Iam not familiar with the items in this menu.Actually this is my first time here"

Reyansh laughed aloud by seeing her embrassed face ,"Don't worry,this handsome gentleman will make you fall in love with this restaurant food"

"Where?" Anjali asked.

"Huh?" Reyansh felt kind of lost by her sudden question.

"Didn't you said 'Handsome Gentleman',Where is he?" Anjali looked around.

"Wow no one ever insulted me like this.Iam going to make you bankruot today" Reyansh acted like he was hurt, he called over the waiter and ordered the food,"Australian lobster,Chicken sausage,Salmon soup,steak tarta-"

"Stop" Anjali stopped him,"After you finish all those dishes you can order again.Don't waste the foos after you have ordered it"

Anjali asked the waiter to leave,"You must have heard about the goodwill of this restaurant owner.If he saw you wasting the food he must be heartbroken"

Reyansh gave her a puzzled look.When he was crossing the university,he remebered the girl who won the competition has promised him that she will buy him food.

So he used his connections to get her phone number.When he called her,he didn't receive any response.Then he tried once again still no response.Reyansh kept on called her.

When he was about to leave, he saw the familiar figure walking towards him looking at the phone.He looked ahead and saw she was coming out of the library.She he guessed her phone might been silent his anger reduced.

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