Chapter 19

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"I want you guys to help me find about Manushi.I need to know what happened to her"

Anjali knew that she can't do it alone.When she tried to look up the murder of 'Manushi' there was nothing.When she tried to hack the Jaipur university records to get the information about Manushi's records, she found that there was no details of student Manushi anymore.Everything was dead end.

Anjali even wanted to hack the police server to check whether they found any identical body which similar to Manu around two years ago.But she know that its too risky.One know she know for sure.Someone deliberately hiding about Manushi.Is it Shelly?or him?

Anjali can't let the enemy to know that she was looking into Manushi's whereabouts.She can't confront the enemies by herself.After all she doesn't own any power in her hands so she decided to get some help from her friends.

Manu?Who is she?  -  Geetha

"This name is kind of familiar.I have heard it somewhere" - Pooja

"Is she your friend?" - Karan

Only Abhi gave her a meaningful look, "Isn't she wronged by Padma two years ago?They spoke about her in the room where Padma got caught"

"Yeah I remember now.Wow,not bad for a straight A student to remember everything" Karan proudly hit his shoulder.

"Oh yeah.I too remember.But why do you want to know about her?" Pooja asked her.

"Two years ago I met this sister named Manushi.She was too kind to help me when I got into trouble.We both exchanged our contact numbers.She cared for me like her own younger sister and she shared all her concerns with me.You can just think me as her little secret diary.But suddenly one day I couldn't be able to contact her.Her phone was switched off.I don't know what happened to her" Anjali said to them.

Geetha asked, "Sister?Why didn't we heard about her?"

"I told you Iam like her secret diary.I would have said it to you.But it's about her.I respected her privacy that's why I didn't tell you.Because of her I decided to study in Jaipur University " Anjali replied.

"Here we thought because of Aman you want to leave the city" Geetha said."Who is that?" Karan asked bacause of this new name.

"He is a jerk.Anjali's ex-fiancee" Pooja shocked them."What you got engaged?You are still a baby.How can you get engaged?" Karan got furious when he heard about that she was once engaged.

"In which eyes Iam looking like a baby to you?" Anjali was annoyed when he said that.

"You don't know?" Karan widened his eyes."What?" Anjali was confused by his reaction.She doesn't know whether he is teasing her or not.

"You might be tall but your innocence is still showing in your face.No one will say that you are eighteen with your face.You are still a kid.How can a kid be engaged?" Karan squeezed her baby cheeks.

Anjali looked bewildered ."Anjali I think you didn't noticed,What karan said is right.You are too cute no one will believe that you are eighteen unless you say so" Geetha squeeze her cheeks.Anjali looked at Pooja for help who smiled widely at her.

Anjali has a very smooth milky skin.Her cheeks are soft like a fresh petal.Pooja and Geetha used to rescue her from the bullies in schools because they treated her like a new born baby who don't know that much about a world except Aman.

When Anjali know that she will not get any help from Pooja,her eyes fell on Abhi."I always wanted a baby sister because Iam the youngest in my family.I have three elder brothers.Now I have decided that" he stopped and went to Anjali.Seeing him coming towards her Anjali felt a bad feeling.

"Hereby I announce that you are my younger sister.I will protect you with my life" Abhi promised to her which shocked everyone.

"Now tell your big brother what you want me to help you with Manushi?" Abhi said seriously."I want to know what happened to her" Anjali said without blinking her eyes.

"Leave it to me.I will take care of it.You don't have to worry about that" Abhi patted her head with affection.

"I will also try to gather the information by asking my father" Karan assured her.

They cleaned up and went to their respective rooms.Anjali was still in a daze that being called a baby and becoming Abhi's sister.

"I never know Abhi can speak so many sentences in a minute" Anjali said to Geetha.

"If you are Abhi's sister ,then you are my sister-in-law" with that geetha jumped on Anjali.The room filled with their laughter.

Other side 

Arjun got to know that Padma locked Anjali in a room.When he saw the CCTV footage of 'Talent Competition' his face frowned.

"Who is he?What is he doing there with Anjali?It's their plan to ruin her again?" 

Ashok felt the temperature of the room decreased immediately."It was an accident.He got locked up with her accidentally.He doesn't have any kind of relationship with Padma.He is the guest of 'Talent Competition' you have invited."

Arjun wanted to tell the whole world that Anjali is his.

'What will I do if she reject me?' Arjun thught feeling nervous in his entire life.But right now the uneasiness is killing him.

No,he thought he have to come with a plan to make sure that she will never reject him.

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