Chapter 48: A Useless Fury

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In less time than a breath, any shock, depression, and docile defeat were done away with by a burning, ravenous rage. He hardly felt the remains of his hunger.

"I brought her to you to save her and this is what you do? Throw her in a den of bloodthirsty monsters?" It wasn't that he couldn't roar at this point, but that he was too angry to breathe deep enough for it. As he curled her weak, cold body to his chest, he forced himself to take a hungry gasp. "You were supposed to make her better then take her home like damn decent human beings! WHY THE HELL IS SHE STILL HERE!"

He found his concentration for the shadows somehow sharpened by his fury. Five tendrils of shadows formed at his call. One coiled inside the darkness of his cuffs and snapped them open. The other four snapped about the necks of the white coats and the stupid, flummoxed security guard who couldn't even manage to raise his rifle. Useless. All of them.

He lifted the doctors, the unfortunate nurse, the security guard, with the ease of lifting a pencil and slammed them against the too-white walls.

Out of the corner of his eye, Aster Morianton watched.

"She's hardly better than when I brought her here, and that was before I had my unfortunate share, and what for? Did you throw her in front of me? Trying to save your own god damn lives?"

"If you're done ranting—"

He hadn't asked the brat. Another tendril snapped out from the shadows and twisted tight about Morianton's chest. Several more, aimless outcroppings of blackness shot out. Glass shattered. Lights went out.

For the first time in his three hundred years, Husani wanted to kill. This wasn't the time for the humans to act like curious scientists from a badly written sci-fi, wrongly torturing people in the name of a cure they'd only use to make themselves richer. People were dying, or worse, being forever damned as murderers for the rest of their endless lives.

"You are going to treat this girl properly this time. I don't care how low you are on blood; you will give it to her and then send her home or every person in this facility is dead." He tightened the shadows, watched his prey's eyes pop. Just for added effect, he pushed out his wings and let them fill the narrow hallway.

Movement caught his eye. The down security guard had managed to crawl over to his gun and moved to aim it at him. Husani kicked it out of his hands and stomped down on his chest.

His miraculous dexterity over his shadows was waning now that he had control over the situation. But he let no sign of it show as he dropped the three medical looking figures down first and allowed their shadowy bonds to dissipate. He also let Morianton go, as he figured the kid had gotten the message.

As he waited for the three doctors to finish coughing and catching their breaths, Morianton stepped up to him as though he hadn't just been wrangled by Husani a moment before. The CEO also managed to look very unimpressed, even exasperated.

"Cameras." He pointed to the end of the hall.

All that remained of the little black box had been shattered. Husani got the point though. It wouldn't go unnoticed.

But it wasn't just the cameras Morianton was pointing out. As Husani met those still humanly blue eyes, his brain caught up with him. There was no going back now that he had shown them the extent of what he could do and how easily he could break through their high security. Husani wasn't just a dangerous monster anymore.

And Lea was no longer a helpless bystander.

He had been utterly stupid expecting these men to just adhere to his demands. Armed men would be pouring in any second now, ready to overwhelm them, ready to take Lea and stuff her down even deeper for their questions and use—

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