Chapter 36: A Need for Not Oxygen

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Sky woke up inside a helicopter with her mouth on Lane's wrist. She snapped her head back with an apoplectic "pop!"

"How the—what the—Lane, I didn't mean—"

"I know! It's fine, Sky, really, it's just the stage you're in."

Sky scrunched up her nose. "Don't make it sound like puberty, kid. Uck, I feel gross now."

Lane's eyes widened and his brow furrowed. "Do I really taste that gross?"

"It ain't taste, you're a kid! Ugh, I'm like a freaking cannibal pedo now." Sky ran her hands down her face, still unused to the feel of longer canines in her mouth, or the moist taste of 'not-oxygen' that should taste like blood, but didn't.

"...I'm only, like, two years younger than you."

"Shut up, I'm still older and it's still gross."

He'd probably have been more offended by that if he wasn't too busy pulling over the cooler they kept their blood stores in.

It took her another second or so to remember why she was in a helicopter in the first place. Then she was on her feet, forcing back the perpetual cloak of sleepiness.


"Shut up; we're still trying to figure that out," said a familiar asshole from the front, hidden from view by the back wall of the cockpit.

"Why don't you just go all the way and call me a bitch already so I can punch you?"

"Because then I'd have to find another source of blood you won't vomit, because I will have broken all the bones in your accident."

"No wonder you're still single. Probably still a virgin to boot, jackass." Sky gave Lane a flabbergasted look. "You're okay with him talking to women like that?"

"It's mostly just you," he said, with an odd twitch to his mouth.

That did it. "Get over here, bastard! Let's see who breaks who!"

Two small hands on the back of her shirt shoved her back down onto her rump. Super strength gave her nothing against being pulled off balance. And also the film of fatigue that refused to leave.

"Seeing as I'm the only reason you're alive and not a murderer," said Aster, flipping a loud switch on the dashboard and standing up with a creak of upholstery and copter joints. "You should be bowing in reverence, not barking empty threats."

He left the pilot seat and stepped down to them, and Sky got a full view of the black, belted, armed wonder of male specimen. She almost didn't recognize the flannel clad man she had been more or less hooked to for the past groggy who knows how long. On the next thought though, she couldn't believe she had ever seen Morianton not being this slim, tall, knife-like figure in black. His blue eyes glowed a strange violet through the dark that his thick brown hair brushed across as he ducked down to them.

An old part of her gave a low whistle. No wonder he smelled like food. He looked almost good enough to be food.

"The sooner I can kill Husani, the better."

Sky frowned. "That's nice, but why aren't you driving?"

"It's on auto-pilot. We have a minute."

"...You just turned to show off your costume, didn't you?"

The look he gave her was withering, like bleach to moss.

"I turned around to get a better look at the state of the vamp eating my brother."

Okay. That was valid.

Sky scooted farther from Lane, who'd already pulled out a blood bag from the nearby cooler and bitten in. " do you plan on finding Lea?"

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