Chapter 14-Same spirit

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Aria's post up above ^^^^^

Aria Matthews:

It has been a week since the whole Emily incident...thank god for my mom or else I would be right about suspended right now. When she found out what happened she didn't care because I wasn't the one who started it.

I decided to go official with Aaron on Instagram...I mean if the whole school already knows we are 'Dating' then why not post him, and I post Everything so it would be weird if I didn't post my boyfriend 

Honestly even though Cam is against us, he is also secretly rooting for us. I mean he did take this photo, towards the beginning of me and Aaron's 'Relationship' he would have never agreed so we are warming up to him. 

Aaron was coming over later and for the first time not for me... for Cam. I mean we honestly felt bad because that is his best friend but the only reason Aaron has been coming over was to get the benefits with me. 


The door knocked so I went over to it in my sports bra and short biker shorts. When I opened it, it was Aaron.

"Oh hey Aaron my brother is upstairs" I said

"You know, you wearing that is making me want to do a quickie"

I just rolled my eyes and stepped to the side so he can come in. After he did Cameron came down the stairs and caught Aaron staring at me. 

"Stop eye fucking my sister dude" he said

"Oh sorry...its just she is too damn fine bro" Aaron replied

...oh no here it comes, Aaron is about to get the screaming of his life


Ok that might have been overreacting. He didn't have to kick him out for something that was clearly my fault.

"Cam stop- he can stay, I am fine with him talking about me like that...does it look like I give two shits? Yeah no...go and have fun with your best friend" I said

"Whatever fine...but do not talk about her like that in front of me again" Cam replied 

Then the boys went upstairs while Katie came over so we can finally have a discussion about the whole Emily situation.

Aaron Palmer:

She posted me...she fucking posted me, as her boyfriend at that!

Calm down's for this whole fake dating thing she doesn't really like you, just act like you only like the benefits

After I went upstairs to Cam's bedroom we started playing C.O.D, about 3 hours had passed and Aria came into the room. 

"Hey guys...can I play?" she said

"Yea sure, where is Katie?" said Cam

"She left like 30 mins ago" she replied

"Ohh ok, but can you wait till the round finishes" said Cam

"Nonsense come here...sit on my lap and play" I said

Since Aria has a badass brother, she was able to play video games really well, starting from young too. She had won money in little gaming competitions here and there but me and Cam keep telling her to stream. She says that is too boring even though she could be making thousands a stream.

Aria came and sat on my lap while I gave her the controller after I died. She started playing the game while I kept giving her soft gentle kisses throughout her neck. She started shaking her leg which is her signal for 'Wanna fuck?' I start to chuckle. 

Cameron got up and said he needed to take a quick shower. After he did me and Aria calculated that we had about 20 minutes so we quickly went to her room and did it. After we did we had 3 minutes left until he came out so we hurried back into his room and started another match acting as if we didn't do anything.

Cam then came back and as if we expected he didn't suspect a thing. But of course one thing had to go wrong.

"Aria where did you get that hickey from?" said Cam

"Idk probably Aaron when he was kissing me while we played the game" she replied...nice save

"Not that one...the one on your stomach on the lower end leading to the inside of your shorts" he said

Uh oh...

"Idk it probably isn't a hickey, probably a bruise or something...or probably from like 2 days ago when me and Aaron did it" 

"That wasn't there earlier" he said

"I don't fucking know Cameron! I was here the whole time playing the game...I didn't even know that was there until you mentioned it" That shut him right up and he stopped asking questions for the remainder of the time I was there.

Aria Matthews (When Katie was over):

"OMG what the fuck was she thinking...? like we all know she doesn't know how to fight so why did she even try it?" said Katie

"Girl I honestly don't even know...and she knows how much fucking stronger I am than her so why would she even try to punch I wasn't going to dodge it" I said chuckling 

"I knew she was a bit toxic when we first met her...and she had the nerve to kiss him in front of you and then come back as if nothing happened" 

"I know that is what boils me" I replied

"Girl what is going on with you and Aaron...I see you guys are official on Instagram now" said Katie

"Yea...we are" I said sad that I am not able to tell her this whole thing is fake

"Girl what is wrong" she said 

"The whole relationship is get Ryan mad" I said with my head down

"I kinda figured that since you kinda hate his guts...." she said

"But we are friends with benefits now" I replied

"Ooo how is that going?" she said

"I think I am starting to have feelings for real 'I am in love' feelings, I have never felt this way so I am really scared" I said 

"I think you should talk with him about that....I see how protective he gets over you, I see the way he looks at you. It is definitely not Lust...its for sure love, maybe if you two talked about it then you will find out how he feels for you" she said

"Ok...that sounds like a good Idea" I replied

"Oh shoot I gotta go, I love you babe...see you later"

"Bye babe" I said 

Aria you got this...just tell Aaron that you are in love with him 


Hey guys!

OMG Aria finally confessed her love for him...yay! 

What is going to happen next chapter though...? Maybe a scare or maybe some cheating...Idk but there is definitely more to come with this book!

Love you<3

Words: 1090

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