Chapter 2-Are you ok?

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Aria Matthews :

After that incident yesterday that is all everybody is talking about. Mostly flaming Aaron about him getting cheated on even though he was the most popular boy at school. 

Yeah Aaron is popular I mean he is the captain of the football team. Aaron and my brother are the 2 most popular guys at school. 

Me on the other hand I am just the girl who knows and associates with everybody, I am not popular but I am not lonely ya know? I am just cool with everybody.

But being popular comes with it's kinks. Everybody is making fun of Aaron, I mean full on bullying him. Even though I dislike him and all I still kind of feel bad for him no one deserves to go through what they are going through.

Me on the other hand, A couple of girl's from Justice's crew just made fun of me here and there, nothing I cannot dispute back to them. 

The whole day I just kept wondering what Aaron was feeling like


Aaron Palmer:

I feel awful, All of the guys on the team are grilling me, they are going from "Yo! Palmer can't please his girl so she had to use Aria's man" to "Are you secretly gay? is that why You couldn't please Justice the right way?"

I mean I was tired of it, I was about ready to rip every single one of their throats out. I usually scare everybody but since Justice and Ryan's little stunt everybody in the school has more power over me.

I know Aria is mad but confused.

I mean I cannot help it anymore, I have had these weird feelings for Aria ever since I met her. I don't even know what the feeling is but I do know that it is uncontrollable.

I dated Justice so I can make Aria mad but she has made it very clear that she doesn't care about what I do, so after a while I maintained that mindset toward her. 

I find myself doing nice things for her sometimes because I really do care. It is just when she is acting rude that I start to mirror her actions. 

Maybe she thinks I dislike her because I am doing that? But I don't know, I all do know is that I am confusing the life out of her and she probably thinks that I am this bipolar idiot.


I am now in my last period Pre Calc class, my only class with Aria besides lunch. I sit down next to her while we wait for the teacher and everybody starts to stare waiting for us to crack. 

One of the annoying sophomores comes in the class and says "Yo Its the breakies, get it? because they both had to break up with their partners cus' they got cheated on"

When he said that I couldn't take it anymore, I stood up so fast and practically knocked the table over.

I went over to the boy who's name was Alexis and grabbed him by the throat pinning him against the wall until he was about to pass out. 

I turned around to everybody who was staring and said "Who's next?" 

They quickly turned their heads and started to make conversation, mostly about how I was able to almost kill Alexis.


Aria Matthews:

It scared me, I mean I know what he said wasn't directed to me but it didn't feel like it I almost peed my pants when he screamed at the whole class.

When he sat back down next to me he made sure to stare down at his paper and not look anywhere else. 

But I stared at him, at those beautiful grayish-green eyes. The ones I despised him for having.

I disliked Aaron very much but if there was one thing about him that I liked, it would be his green eyes or his long eyelashes.

Any girl would kill to have those features of his. Look at me, I dislike the guy very much, but is giving him a compliment about himself. 

After a while the teacher came into the class. We had Mrs. Compos, she was an awesome teacher. Like one of the coolest ones you will have here.

"Alright-" she began to say before she looked at Aaron "Oh gosh, whoever upset Aaron is in big trouble" 

She always knew how to brighten up a room.

Aaron soon replied with a "Don't worry Mrs. Campos I've got it handled" in his regular smug grin

"Well since I am your teacher I am going to pretend like I didn't hear that ok?"

Aaron then nodded his head and whispered in my ear "I know you were staring at me earlier, you just couldn't contain yourself couldn't you?"

My cheeks soon turned red but I tried to hide it by saying "I was staring at the recap notes on the side wall over there, just in case she gives us a pop quiz, I am sorry your big head was in the way so it made you think something else"

He gave me an amused face and returned his attention back to Mrs. Campos as she started her lesson. 


Class was soon over and I headed back home this time with Emily, another one of my best friends. 

The whole ride she was talking to me about how she was about to punch Justice but ended up punching her sister instead. 

I just kept nodding along and saying "Wow," "Oh really" or "Oh no she didn't girl" 

Emily couldn't tell that I wasn't listening, I was too busy being spaced out thinking about everything that has been happening these last couple of days.

After what Aaron told me what he said, I was thinking about why I was feeling all jittery and why my stomach was twisting.

Aaron always somewhat had that effect on me I don't know why but he just did. I always had to cover it up with making it seem like I hated him even though I didn't.

I soon dropped Emily off and headed to my own house. After I punched in the gate code and the house code I headed upstairs

I sat on the floor and started to hug my knees crying. 

A couple of minutes later I heard a familiar voice, he must've driven home with my twin brother Cameron. 

"Hey Aria" he said softly

"Hey Aaron" I said wiping my tears away.

"Are you ok? I know what Ryan has put you through was awful, I just wanted to know if your ok or if you needed someone's shoulder to cry on"


Hey guys!

I know I am sorry for ending the chapter this way but remember we still have a whole bunch of chapters to go! Pls dont hate me

Love you guys<3 

TYSM for reading my story(s)


Words: 1119

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