chapter eleven: facing fears

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After the team meeting. I step back outside of the hot dressing room to just stay busy and keep my mind clear of any intrusive thoughts.

Again, I don't perform for a few hours but I don't want to be overthinking the whole time. I stick my AirPods in and blast some music while I watch people warm up and get in their groove.

All of a sudden I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Jesus Christ Eva you scared me!" I say.

"Oopsies, anyway coach wants us to go onto the ice and warm up. She says we can get on in like ten minutes ."

"Okay, give me a second though." I respond to Eva. She walks away leaving me alone at the glass. I pull out my phone and text somebody to try and calm my nerves.

I'm like shitting my pants nervous

no need to be Gen, you're a natural. I've seen you practicing .

I've been off lately. Somethings up with me and idk why.. it's kinda getting on my nerves.

Oh? What's getting on your nerves? Is it something with Quinn?

Gen 🤪
I mean idk, his girlfriend is very weird about me, she's kind of a bitch to me.. and she's sketchy. I feel like she might be cheating on him but I'm not 100% sure

Have you told him? I feel like he should know.. he also wasn't at practice.. idk why he said he'd be gone today for something, so he's been weird lately...

Gen 🤪
Youre right I should really tell him, I just don't know how. I mean I'm not even certain that Rachael actually is cheating..

Just ask to talk to him or something, bring him to a cafe for coffee and tell him idk..

Remember how we are in a fake relationship? He'll think that's weird.. I love how dumb you can be sometimes 🥰

A relationship that you put us in - just reminding you😝😝
You should get ready though, Eva was saying to me that you guys had to warm up.

I should lol

I'm still nervous

And now I have this Quinn thing on my mind too.

well once you get onto the ice you'll feel a lot better, you'll be focusing on not falling and doing all your little tricks and stuff, trust me

Gen 🤪
you should consider being a therapist


Once I'm done talking to Kayde, I get my skates out of my bag and sit on a bench before putting them on. My mind rereads Kayde and I's conversation over and over.

Wait, he said that Quinn wasn't at practice this morning.. where is he? Did something happen and he didn't tell me? He was literally texting me this morning. You have to get ready to warmups Gen, there's no time to think about this.

I finish putting on my skates and my leg warmers. I was feeling confident at that second and decided to take a picture for my Instagram.

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