Chapter ten: competition

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2 weeks later

Ever since Quinn and I went to the Capilano bridge, we've gotten much closer. Like 'I go to every game to see him' closer. And I'm honestly not complaining about it, it's just that I have to still keep going with Kayde and I's fake dating thing. It's gotten to a point for me that I almost tell Quinn that we aren't actually together. I then realize how embarrassing  and humiliating it would be so I keep my mouth shut.

My alarm goes off at five-thirty in the morning. I wake up Eva too. It's competition day. I'm fucking nervous as hell.

I know that coach thinks I'm ready, but I'm not that confident that I'll do well. I guess I'll try my best but I don't expect anything much to be honest.

"Gen do we seriously have to go to this thing?" Asks sleepy Eva as she comes back into reality.

"Unfortunately yes. Yes we do Eva. Trust me I don't want to go to this competition any more than you do." I say as I get all my stuff together and brush my hair.

Everything is pretty much done at the arena. Coach has people that do our hair and makeup. She has the team costumes as well. That means all we have to do is get some clothes on and get ourselves out the door.

"Come on Ev, we have to leave. Coach texted me and she's at the front. Get some clothes on before I put them on you." I seriously don't want to piss coach off and be late, and luckily I didn't actually have to dress Eva myself because she got out of bed and put some sweatpants on and one of Landon's hoodies that she had lying on her bed.

We step out of the door with our travel bags in hand. I lock our door and we make our way downstairs to where coach is.

"Just think. We get at least a few hours of sleep before we get to the arena, just get into her car." I try to persuade Eva to walk faster. I know she had a late night but I warned her that we had to wake up early the next morning so that's all on her.

We eventually get out and pack our stuff into coach's car.

"Hello ladies, ready for today?" Val asks as we get settled.

"I'm not too exited, I have a lot of school work that's stressing me the hell out but im still coming out here to win." I say. I know I won't win but I don't want to make her mad by saying that I wasn't ready.

"Well we have a long drive, you girls can catch some sleep." Is the last thing I hear her say before I pass out against my seatbelt.


I woke up a half hour ago and asked coach how much longer we had. We still had one hour so in another half hour we are going to arrive at the arena.

I hadn't even texted the boys recently. Quinn has been busy trying to get Rachael to go on one fucking date with him but she keeps blowing him off. How nice of a girlfriend.

Kayde has been piled on with schoolwork so he hasn't had any time to text me about anything.

I open up Snapchat on my phone and take a .5 picture of Eva and I sitting in the back of the car with her passed out still.

"competition day!!" I put a caption on it and send it to Quinn, Kayde and Landon.

Quinn immediately opens the snap and starts typing.

Quinn 🏒
Where is it? Maybe I can come and be emotional support 🤔.

Gen 🤪
It's like three hours away ☹️ I wish you could come though. I still have Like 5 hours before I have to be on the ice performing.
(Capital Hills centre by the way) in case you decide to come 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Quinn 🏒
Don't get your hopes up...... anyway how are you feeling? Do you think you are ready?

Gen 🤪
Idk man, I've been off recently when we be been practicing. I'm kinda scared tbh . I still am gunna come out to win though

Quinn 🏒
I think you'll do great. Just stay positive!!!!!!!! Is your boyfriend coming? Maybe he will be good to see when you are out on the ice.

Totally forgot I had a supposed '"boyfriend" again.

He couldn't come😭 he has so much school work and it's starting to overwhelm him lol

Quinn 🏒
Well either way, I think you'll do great! Good luck. Genevieve 😛😛😛

Gen 🤪
First name basis now huh? Ok Quintain JEROME 😭😭 Hughes .

We finally were at the arena. It's grey stone walls made the place dark and Intimidating, but I wasn't going to let that ruin my mood. I had four hours before I was due to perform.

We had an area for our university where all the skaters could get ready. Val wanted me to get my hair and makeup done early so I didn't have to worry about it.

Val knows that I get anxious when I'm at competitions. And before you ask: yes, I have won some competitions but man today just feels off.

I sit in a chair where we have our helpers and they tug and pull at my hair putting it up into a clean bun with two loose strands by my ears.

After they finished there, different people did my makeup and when they were finished, I looked in the mirror at myself and smiled.

Then Quinn appeared behind me.

WAIT WHAT? I gotta be tired.

I turn around aggressively and see nobody there. I SWEAR ON GOD I SAW SOMEONE THOUGH.

Gee. How I wish he was here though. I feel like I would be motivated to do better.

I get up off the makeup chair and put a jacket on before going out to the ice rink to watch people practice.

Skating right now aas a blonde girl and a brunette on opposite sides of the rink. They were doing perfect axels and looked like they were ready to win. God were they ever good, but so was I. (On a good day).

I have to do this for Quinn though. I thought to myself.

"Gen, we're having a team meeting come on!" Eva yells at me from behind and waves her hand towards the dressing room.

"Okay.." I sigh and turn to start walking into the room.



I know my updating schedule has been off, but I've had biology and chemistry tests that I've been studying for so obviously I'm prioritizing that over writing my story.

Although, I will try and update once this week

Love you all ❤️❤️

Goofy Quinn got hit 😱😱😱😱

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Goofy Quinn got hit 😱😱😱😱

Heartstrings on the Blue Line - Quinn HughesWhere stories live. Discover now