Chapter Nineteen - Don't Tell

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I'm back again! Again, I feel terribel for the excuses but I ahve been absoluely overloaded with work these past couple weeks, so I feel terrible. But here's chapter 19! Let me know what you think!


Recap: Luca and Gio get back from the park

Luca POV

After dinner, Mar made me take a bath before getting into bed. "I love you so much, bambino. You know that, right?" I blushed at Mar's words and nodded my head. "Sleep well, baby boy." He kissed my forehead before heading out the door.

However, instead of ZoZo coming into my room with Harry Potter, Massy walked into my room instead. "Hey, Luc. All ready for bed?" I beamed and nodded my head as he sat down on my bed next to me.

"How was your trip to the park with Gio, bud? He said you guys had fun." I gasped, remembering how much fun we had. "It was so much fun! We played on the play structure and we played tag and.."

Massimo POV

As Luca continued on his ramble of all the things he did, I contemplated asking him about the supposed "man" he told Gio he saw at the park. It could just as easily have been a deer or a shadow in the trees, but accusations like that are not taken lightly when you're the head of the strongest crime organization in the world.

As he finished his rant, I decided to ask him about it. "Hey Lukey?" His eyes met mine. "Gio said you said you saw someone in the bushes when you were at the park? Do you want to tell me about that?"

His faces seems uncertain as he thinks for a moment. "Umm well I was sittin' on the dome thingy and Gio was on the bench off to the side 'cause he was talkin' on the phone and so then I was thinkin' about Star Wars and how Rei defeated Emperor Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker because they were on Exegol and there were tons of other old sith lords there and—"

I gently interrupted him, chuckling softly. "Bambino, I would love to talk about Star Wars with you all the time, and we can totally talk tomorrow morning, but could you try to tell me what you remember about this guy?"

"Oh! Right!" He giggled as he remembered what he was supposed to be talking about. "Well I was sittin' up there and then I looked off into the woods on the right 'cause I wanted to see a birdy or a squirrel or somethin' but then there was something moving back there an' then I saw a guy and he smiled at me but it made my tummy feel weird and so I didn't smile back and then he took out a camera and it flashed a bit an' so I thought that was weird and I went to call Gio over but then I looked back and the guy was gone!"

He cutely throws his hands up in the air, seemingly trying to imitate Gio when he's feeling "exapersated" as Luc likes to call it. "Well, pretty boy, I appreciate you telling me all about this, and your brothers and I will make sure no more guys come taking pictures of you. Sound good?" He nodded whilst yawning.

"Now I'm gonna send ZoZo in to read with you, bubs. I love you so much, hmm?" I briefly pulled him into my arms and rubbed his back, before releasing him and heading out the door, waving one more time at him before I left and headed to Alonzo's room to tell him Luca was ready to read with him.

Alonzo POV

As soon as Mass came in to tell me Luc was ready to read, I almost felt as if I developed a nervousness at seeing my baby brother. I know I had seen him since my idiotic moment this morning in the car, but he may not have even noticed it was me, let alone registered my presence in his stressed-out state.

I have to apologize. Now that I know why he was in a bad mood this morning, all I've been feeling this entire afternoon is guilt, eating away at my conscience for making fun of him in his vulnerable state.

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