Chapter Eleven - Marcello

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Here's another chapter. I'm definitely not procrastinating my homework for this... that's irrelevant. Please please please lmk what you guys think? Also side note—Luca does shower/bathe and change clothes more often than I say, sometimes I'm just too lazy to write it in. Have a spectacular day :)

Recap: Luca and Mass got into an argument

Luca POV

I stumbled down the halls of the mansion, desperately searching for the ominous wood door, the entrance to Massimo's office. I finally turned a corner and my frantic eyes landed on the door. I quietly stumbled down the hallway, hesitating for a moment before I knocked.

What if he's already gotten rid of me? What if I'm going back to Sir? I clutched Hobbes tightly. The intrusive thoughts forced me to knock lightly on the door, still ignoring the blood dripping slowly down my forearms. I heard a "come in" from Massimo and so I gently opened the door, prepared for the onslaught of abuse as soon as I saw him.

However, all I saw when I locked eyes with Massimo was pure and utter devastation. "Angelo? Oh god, what happened baby?" He rushes over to me, a look of panic on his face, which is rare because he normally doesn't show how he feels.

Just that thought forces the tears to bubble over and I begin to sob. I feel my legs give out, but a pair of strong arms catch me before I fall. "Shh, shh. Va tutto bene angelo. Andrà tutto bene. Respira e basta, dolce ragazzo." (It's okay angel. It's gonna be okay. Just breathe, sweet boy)

He rubs my back gently and I am reduced to a sniffling mess within minutes. You probably soiled his shirt. Disgusting brat. You can't even—"Luca? Wanna tell me what's going on, bug?" Mass's voice interrupts my thoughts. He shifts me so I'm straddling him in his fancy office chair.

I sniffle again, rubbing my nose before responding meekly, "I'm s-sorry I wouldn't take the m-medicine! I was s-such a bad boy a-and then I was w-worried you were going to get r-rid of me a-after I didn't listen t-to you. P-please don't get rid of me!" I cry in desperation, a new round of tears forming in my eyes at the prospect of going back with Sir.

Mass's eyebrows furrow with concern as he gently wipes the tears from under my eyes. "Luca. I need you to listen to me very carefully." His voice is gentle, but there is an undertone of dominance there. I nod. "We would never, ever, get rid of you. We love you so much. It's okay that you didn't want to take the medicine. I should never have lost my temper with you. I love you so much sweet boy. I'm sorry. And you're never a bad boy, you hear me? You're the sweetest boy in the world."

His apology shocks me and I blink slowly, processing the words. He lifts me up suddenly, setting me on his desk before reaching into a drawer and pulling out a cloth. There's a pitcher of water on the bookshelf behind him and he dampens the cloth before cleaning my forearms of the dried blood.

A new wave of shame crashes over me and more tears slip down my cheeks. Mass notices and immediately takes me back into his arms. "It's okay, sweet boy. I know it's hard. We're gonna work through this." He gently wraps my forearms with a roll of gauze from a different drawer.

I lay straddling his lap with my head on his chest for a while, sucking my thumb and clutching a now slightly-bloodied Hobbes. "Buddy? I know it's hard, bubs, but we should talk about Frank at some point, buddy." His name makes me tense up again, but the gentle circles Mass is rubbing on my back relax me.

I nod, then take a shaky breath before beginning. "I f-first remember m-meeting S-Sir when I was really little. M-mommy brought him home o-one day and said he was her b-boyfriend. And he w-was real nice to me for a long time, b-but then when Mommy went t-to heaven h-he got real mean.

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