Chapter Eight - Scars

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Hey guys!! Here's the latest chapter. I promise I'm doing the best that I can but school just started again and I have sports practice and weight training and all kinds of stuff but I promise I will try my best to keep up with updates. Hope you like it! :)

Recap: Luca asks for Alonzo at the clinic


I was surprised when Luca spoke in Italian, as I had only heard him once when he spoke to Alonzo the other night at dinner. He must be exhausted, and just slipped back into his native tongue.

Yes, I know it seems early but Luca did learn both Italian and English before he was taken. Our parents always spoke to us in both languages.

"Certo, amico" (Of course, buddy). I respond as I walk towards the door and out into the hallway. Both the twins and Marco sit in the hallway, sprawled across various chairs but their heads shoot up when I step into the hallway.

Before they can get a word in, I spoke, "Alonzo. Luc is requesting to see you." He seemed shocked and confused for a moment, but quickly got up and followed me back into the room.

Alonzo POV

As I followed Gio back into the exam room, I was confused. Why on earth would Luca want to see me?? I've been nothing but mean to him this whole time... My thoughts trailed off as we entered the room and I saw Luc's small frame on the edge of the exam table.

He was hunched over, obviously barely awake and wearing a hospital gown for easier access to his wounds. I approached him slowly.

"Hey, buddy. Is it ok if I sit with you?" He nodded silently before I gently lifted him up and placed him back in my lap.


After performing a couple quick (but painful) tests on Luca, I did determine that someone had raped him. It killed me to say it, and I was horrified to tell the brothers. I told Alonzo first, as he was there with Luc, and then gently explained to Luc what happened and why it wasn't okay in the least.

After talking to him, I walked out into the hallway to alert my fratellino (brothers). Their heads shot up as soon as the door opened.

"What's going on?? What's wrong with him??" Aless jumped up and began frantically asking questions. "Calmati, Alessio. Let Gio talk." (calm down) Mass stepped in commandingly before returning to his place leaning against the wall.

I took a deep breath before beginning. "Luca had many bruises and scars on his chest and back, as well as a terrible burn on his back. He has two fractured ribs and a major concussion. It seems he has been exhibiting concussion symptoms recently and didn't know.

He also had many small burns on his arms and legs which I have identified to be cigarette burns, and it seems that his arms/wrists have been broken numerous times before and haven't healed. He looks severely malnourished and I've started a food plan for him so we can slowly reintroduce him to a regular diet. And... and someone, uh, someone touched him... uh, you know..." I trailed off, unable to finish my thought, but my brothers understood.

Suddenly, Marco stood up aggressively and punched a hole in the hallway wall. "You mean someone fucking raped him?! Some coglione touched him!" (fucker). He was fuming. Alessio just stood there, staring off into space as he wiped stray tears off his cheeks. Mass stared at the ground, looking emotionless but I saw through him to the devastation in his eyes.

"Alonzo's in there right now, I'm guessing Luca's asleep. He was exhausted after all that. We should head home now." I turn and walk quietly back into the room, alerting Alonzo of our departure.

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