30: The Hero Killer

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A gradient from bright orange to deep indigo stretched across the sky as Izuku sprinted in the city. His footsteps echoed through the narrow alleyways as he ran, desperately trying to find a clue, any sign that could lead him to the Hero Killer. Other heroes were also searching the city, but Izuku made sure to avoid them since he didn't want to get caught without a license.

He had followed the scorch marks left behind by Endeavor's quirk, but the trail had come to an end around a minute ago, indicating where the hero lost track of Stain.

But now, as Izuku raced through the alleyways with no destination, uncertainty clouded his mind. After a few more pointless turns, he forced himself to stop.

Running through the city mindlessly wasn't going to lead him anywhere. He needed to think, to understand the Hero Killer's motives. What was it that drove Stain to kill heroes? Or, in the killer's words..to sacrifice fake ones?

Izuku paused for a moment, then realized he was standing right next to a stinky trash can, and moved to a more pleasant thinking spot. His mind raced, searching for possible places the killer may be at.

Stain had always been a radical idealist. If he wanted to make a statement, he might target places near hero agencies. It was only a guess, but it was better than running directionless.

Izuku headed toward the city's biggest hero agency and searched its vicinity, but he found nothing except for the earlier crime scene nearby.

"All I did was backtrack," he muttered to himself, "and waste valuable time."

The sun had set around twenty minutes ago. The sky was a murky black, and the moon hung ominously behind a sheet of dimly lit clouds. The only light around Izuku -- who was standing on a building rooftop -- was from a few distant streetlights and a flickering lightbulb hanging in front of a small door for people to access the top of the building.

Izuku sighed and rubbed his face. If Stain was targeting a specific hero, it would be even more difficult to find him with the heroes scattered across the city. How could Izuku narrow down such a broad range? Every second that ticked by felt like an eternity.

"That's it," Izuku snapped, pulling out his phone. He was going to call Iida, and if that accidentally exposed his time-travel knowledge, then let it be. Better than letting Iida get hurt.

As he was about to dial the number, coldness rushed over him like a wave. His finger froze, and he shoved his phone back into his pocket and spun around.

The light in front of the roof door flickered as usual. Then, the roof was basked in the green glow of One For All. With raised fists, Izuku slowly made his way forward, his heart beating a little too loud.

Something small caught his eye. He looked down at the floor, noticing a single drop of crimson liquid.

"Stain." Izuku breathed in fearful realization.

A sharp, needle-like sensation pierced Izuku's mind and without a second thought, he threw himself sideways, hitting the roof surface with a thump. Then, he got up swiftly, the sight before him sending a chill down his spine.

A long, jagged blade reflected the flickering light, held by none other than the Hero Killer Stain. Izuku could see the killer's messy hair and skeletal mask, and the ripped crimson fabric that flowed behind him in the breeze.

But his gaze. A ruthless, cold, blood-red gaze that made haunting memories resurface.

"You looking for me?" The killer's raspy voice said. He was still holding up the sword.

Izuku gulped, his focus splitting between the Hero Killer standing in front of him and the fact that he just awakened the fourth One For All user's quirk, Danger Sense.

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