17: The Calvary Battle

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Instantly, two of the closest teams, one from class A and another from class B, burst toward Midoriya's team.

Midoriya squinted his eyes as he studied the two teams coming toward them.

"Wait, what was that guy's quirk again... oh gosh, brace yourselves!" Midoriya warned, then pressed the button of the remote in his hand. The jet pack on his back hummed into life, then they launched into the air.

Uraraka was confused as to why he activated the pack so early, but her confusion dissipated the moment after as the ground below them softened into mush.

"Class-B has someone who can mush-ify things?" Uraraka blurted, unable to find the right word.

"Apparently, yeah," Midoriya replied.

Attacks from below shot towards them, but Tokoyami's shadow easily reflected them.

With the help of Uraraka's quirk making them weightless, Hatsume's support items providing thrust, and Tokoyami's seamless defense, Midoriya's team was able to avoid the barrage of attacks raining upon them.


"Here he comes..." Midoriya cautioned.

Uraraka shrieked as the blond boy blasted toward them like a missile.

Dark Shadow shielded the explosions, and the team could see Tokoyami's quirk slightly weakening from the bright nature of Bakugo's attack.

Bakugo grunted in frustration, gravity dragging him toward the ground as Midoriya's group quickly retreated.

But he wasn't going to give up like that. With a stronger explosion of his quirk, he blasted toward them once again.

It was at this moment when Todoroki's team arrived near Midoriya as well.

"Kaminari," Todoroki ordered.

Kaminari smirked, and a blanket created by Yaoyorozu draped over the rest of the group.

"Tokoyami," Midoriya yelled, a tinge of worry in his voice, "block Kaminari!"

"What about Bakugo..."

"-- Give me a boost!" The bright green light of his quirk appeared around Midoriya and his teammates instantly realized what he was about to do.

With a push from his teammates, Midoriya leaped up in the air, weightless.

"Die, Deku!" Bakugo pulled his arms back, his quirk crackling at his palms.

Turning himself in the air like a spinning top, Midoriya sent a powerful roundhouse kick swiping in the air in front of him. Just as Bakugo thought Midoriya missed, the blond boy realized the disadvantage of his position.

The wind force from Midoriya's kick sent Bakugo flying backward, past his teammates.

"Bakugo!" Kirishima gasped, and Sero shot his tape at the falling boy. However, Bakugo was falling way too fast for Sero to catch him.

"Dammit..." Bakugo was tumbling in the air toward the ground. Not just physically, he felt the distance between him and Midoriya widen. It was unbearable.

Nonetheless, a dangerous, icy sense of calmness washed over him, and he slowed his fall with a well-aimed explosion despite his body spinning backward in the air.

Sero let go a breath of relief and scooped Bakugo right back to their horse formation just in time.

"Bro, you ok?" Kirishima asked, turning his head back. Then his eyes widened, "Bakugo--"

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