8: Combat Training

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After school, Iida caught up to Izuku.

"Nice job today, Midoriya," The taller boy said, "you really have the skills and a powerful quirk."

"Thanks," Izuku said, "your quirk is really cool as well. I mean just imagine the possible moves you can --"

"Hi!" Uraraka ran up to the two boys and interrupted Izuku's mumbling.

"Oh, you're the girl who got infinity for the softball throw!" Iida said.

"I'm Uraraka Ochaco," she said, "you're Iida Tenya, and..."

She knitted her eyebrows at Izuku, "you're Midoriya, Deku, right? That's what that grumpy guy always calls you."

He nervously ran a hand through his curly hair, "My name's actually Izuku, Kacchan just likes to call me Deku to make fun of me," he then smiled, "but I don't really see it as an insult anymore. It gives off a kind of... 'I can do it' vibe, y'know?"

Uraraka's eyes brightened. "Wow! That's exactly what I was thinking! Sorry I mistook it for your name, though."

"It started as an insult from Bakugo, huh... That's very disrespectful." Iida said.

The three of them talked all the way to the station. The sun was setting, splashing colorful gradients across the sky. Birds chirped, trees rustled, and the sea glittered in the distance. Izuku was grateful for his friends and the peacefulness. How much he hoped it would last.


It was the second day of school, and Izuku didn't know if he made the right decision. He should've called in sick or something. Whatever he did, he should not have shown up to the battle trial training.

He knew how badly this would end. But he stepped into Ground Beta anyway, knowing he had no choice.

The gray buildings and roads of the mock city stretched to the horizon and seemed to tower over Izuku as if watching and criticizing his every move.

But then he saw his friends, all waiting there in their hero costumes, and his uneasiness seemed to drift away for a moment.

"Deku!" Uraraka spotted Izuku, eyes sparkling, and nearly squealed, "Oh my gosh, I love your costume! It looks so pro!"

Her voice attracted many of the other students, who all gaped at Izuku's attire.

Last time, Izuku did not submit a quirk registration form for a costume. But now, with a very clear idea in mind, he requested a costume as close to his old one as possible. If Izuku had to describe it, it looked pretty similar to his costume during the provisional license exam: black iron soles, white arm braces. However, he did exclude most of the complex garments meant for supporting his higher-level powers, since he needed to look like a newbie. Plus, his body wasn't strong enough to withstand some of his previous moves. But he especially made sure the original design of his first-ever costume -- a gift from his mother -- was kept.

Iida waved his arms stiffly, "Midoriya, I hope you at least pay attention in afternoon classes, or you will fail for sure!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You know what I'm saying. Don't fall asleep during hero training!"

"I don't... oh," Izuku remembered, this morning, the classes were so boring Izuku fell asleep probably two or three times. Unlike middle school, UA teachers were like hawks, and there was no other option apart from paying attention in class, so Izuku couldn't really do anything else. But anyway, that's what listening to the same lecture twice does to you, Izuku learned. It makes you real drowsy.

All Might gave an introduction of the combat training -- two v. two indoor battles -- and drew the lots. It was the exact same as last time, with Izuku pairing up with Uraraka, fighting against Bakugo and Iida.

The uneasiness Izuku felt earlier burst back to life, and the memory of the match started replaying in his mind again.

Bakugo gave Izuku a death glare, but Izuku steadily met Bakugo's gaze, which made the blonde boy scowl even deeper.

As Bakugo and Iida went inside the building, Izuku memorized the floor plan with Uraraka.

"Y'know," Izuku suddenly said, startling her, "I used to be really afraid of going against Kacchan."

"Used to?" she asked.

He flinched at that. "Uh, maybe still a little now, well, I mean the impression he gave me throughout my childhood really left an imprint... But, it's because of him, his confidence, his quirk, his talent... because he's so strong, that I became determined to become better than him. If not for him, I wouldn't be here today."

Izuku didn't know why he said all that, but it felt nice to express his feelings.

"Gah! I'm sorry I said all that, you don't need to worry about it!" He suddenly realized that Uraraka, not yet close friends with him, might not want to hear all this.

"It's ok. You say that as if Bakugo saved your life," Uraraka said jokingly, "which, I will find hard to believe. He seems like he would find every chance to murder you or something. At least, that's what he always says."

Izuku just nodded and sighed.

Bakugo did in fact save his life later on, and nearly died because of that.

"It's ok, we'll win! No matter how strong angry-face is!" Uraraka cheered.

"Yeah, we will," Izuku said. He just hoped he won't mentally break his childhood friend.

And the first mock battle of the year began.

A/N: the mock battle was too long so I split it into two chapters. sorry for the irregular updates and hope you enjoy :)

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