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'Miss Min, good morning. You seem to be in a good mood.'

Of course. And you just had to shit on it.
'Morning Mr. Pang.' I bow my head and walk past him

'Amora, wait.'

'No. I'm sorry.' I cut him off straight up. 'It won't change.'

'I admire your resolve, but I must admit, it is becoming a little bit problematic. I am not asking for anything insane am I?'

'Actually, at this point, it is. If you got your answer more than once, then you should know that aksing further will only make it worse.'

'Are you sure you want to do this?' Why does he sound like he's threatening me

'I am not doing anything, Sir. I am just trying to work. Nothing else.'

'Well, if you want to work.' He put up some creepy smile and gestured for me to move forward to my spot, and as weird as this was, I gladly left

And soon enough, I found out what he meant.

We were working in peace as we usually do, when 2 big boxes, about 2 feet tall each, got placed next to my desk by two people from a different department.

All 6 of us were looking at the boxes, having no clue what happened.

'Excuse me, what is this?' I ask

'Mr. Pang has sent these for you. He said you asked for these, so we brought them to you. Thank you.' They bowed and left, leaving the boxes

'What is that?' Minjo asks, peeking over his desk

'Beats me.' I shrug and get up, looking in the boxes myself

There were so many papers that I didn't know where they began and where they ended. It was a load of shit. Poems. Contracts. Bills and receipts. A few children's books. Some art catalogues...

What in the fuck is wrong with this guy?

'Miss Min, is everything you asked for there?'

All 6 of us turned to see Hoolin smiling from the office door. You know what, I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction.

'It is, actually. Thank you for that, Mr.Pang. I'll get right on it.' I sent him a sarcastic smile, and for a moment, he seemed surprised, but he put that smile back quickly.

'Are you sure a week is enough for all of that? I don't mind if you take more time.' A week?!?!?! This is 2 months' worth of work!

'It is more than enough. Thank you.'

I hope he falls and breaks his neck. What a petty, childlike behaviour. Torturing your worker because they refuse to go out with you. I wish I had someone to report him to, but he's the owner. For fucks sake.


I had to bring them home with me to actually work on it, because this dickhead stopped me after work and told me that I'll get another box if I don't finish all of it.

Burried under the mountain, I didn't even hear the doorbell until the person started banging on my door.

I ran up in a hurry to open the door, to find Jimin smiling at me. Suddenly, my day is all better.


'Hi.' I beam at him

'Is that all I'm getting? Hi?' He teases, leaning on the doorframe

'Maybe if you come inside, I'll greet you properly.'

He smiled and walked in, and as soon as he did, he was leaned back against the same door he just closed, with my lips all over his.

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