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The sunbeams coming through the blinds kind of woke me up. Falling right across my face, the blinding light warmed me up enough to stir my sleep. But I can't complain.
This might be the first weekend when Yoongi didn't bust down my door. The first weekend that I got to sleep properly. I woke up so well rested.

I rolled over on my back and stretched my arms above my head, letting out some weird squeal from the stretching, but I couldn't help it. Nothing beats a good morning stretch.

Shower. I need to shower. A nice, long, hot shower.

I made my way out of my room and headed for the bathroom when I had a minor heart attack.

'You should have woken me up.' A deep, husky voice came from my kitchen, and it made me jump a little.

I was looking at Jimin, who was currently in the process of making a coffee for himself, gently swirling the spoon in the mug. Honestly, I forgot he was here.

'It was late and you looked really tired. I didn't have the heart to do it. Did you sleep well?'

'Surprisingly, yes. That couch is more comfortable than it looks.'

'Good, good.' I smile

'Just so there's no confusion or anger later, you don't have any pants on again.' He gestured at my legs with the mug he was holding and then calmly took a sip

I was about to cover myself, but then it hit me. 'You know what, I don't even care. It's legs. And it's my place. Deal with it.' I waved and walked away without waiting for a reply, heading straight for the shower. And 15 minutes later, I was out.

He was folding the blanket that I put over him last night and placing it over the pillow.

'What are you doing?' I chuckled as I was drying my hair, scrunching it with a towel

'Folding. You complain a lot, you know?'

'I prefered you last night when you were tired and relaxed. You are back to your usual grumpy self.'

'And you are still naked.'

'Then stop looking.' I stuck my tongue out and walked into my room, grabbing some shorts to put on. I mean, the shirt I have on is long enough to cover me almost to my kness, so it's not like he sees a lot, but I can't and won't walk around him half naked.

'Want some breakfast?' I ask as I come back out

'Not a chance. I am still near exploding from last night. I don't think I've eaten that much in weeks.' He sighed deeply

'Fair enough.' I laugh. 'I do have a question, though, if that's okay?'

'You're gonna ask no matter what I say, so why even bother.'

'Who is Haeun?'

In an instant, his entire demeanour changed. His annoyance was nowhere to be found. Instead, it was replaced by pure horror.

His face had lost the colour within seconds, looking even paler compared to his black hair, and his eyes were threatening to pop out. The clenched jaw that came along was followed by his fists forming just the same, tightly squeezed until his knuckles turned white.

'Got it. Never ask again. Sorry.' I instantly apologized seeing how he reacted. I've seen him annoyed, bored, angry, and tired, and this is just terrifying. I must have asked him the worst possible thing.

'How do you know that name?' He might have looked angry, but his voice was barely there. It was a choked up whisper.

'You called that name in your sleep.'

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