15 (+18)

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His fingers were deep in my hair, holding my face from both sides as his lips melted over mine, along with all of my insides.

As happy as I am that he's kissing me, I am 10 times more confused.

'Wait, wait-' I pulled away just enough to look at him, but he was still holding me, looking into my eyes. 'What's going on?'

'Is this not what you wanted? Me?'

'I do want you, but you don't want me. You made that very-'

'I lied.'

My heart is pounding in my head. I can't breathe. I might puke from excitement.

'How could I not want you?' He lifted my chin up even more, making his point. 'You're stunning. That was my first thought when I first saw you. I could barely look away.' He caressed my jaw gently as his eyes darted over my face.

'And you're smart. And funny. And caring. And honest. Maybe a bit too honest, even when you are not supposed to be, but that's what makes you so interesting. And all of that... all of you... it makes me feel things that I never wanted to feel again.' He rested his forehead against mine, closing his eyes.

'I'm afraid. I am not ready for this. I can't be with you how you want me to, but I like you.'

He... he likes me???

'Open your eyes.' I clutch onto his shirt where his chest is, and I can clearly feel his heart banging away.
'Do you really like me? You're not making things up?'

'I wouldn't be here at 2 in the morning, kissing you, if I planned on lying to you.' He smiled, but only a bit

This is more than enough.

I squealed with happiness, throwing myself at him, hugging him tightly around the neck as I pressed my lips on his firmly.

'I know you are afraid, but I promise, I won't hurt you. And we don't have to be together. We can... test it out? See how it goes? To give you some time to figure it out?'

His eyes widened a little and his hands on my waist tightened. 'You would - you would do that?'

'Of course. I told you how much I want you. Giving you time is the least I can do.' I smile up at him

'So... we're doing this?' Now he's smiling too, flashing me that beautiful eye smile

'Only if you want to.'

'But no matter what-'

'Our little secret. No one will know but us. Whatever happens, stays between us.' I cut him off, agreeing as fast as I can so he doesn't change his mind

'Our little secret.' He nods all cutely

'What now?' I giggle

'Now I'm going to erase that regret of yours.' He flipped that switch between being cute and sexy in a blink of a time, massaging my lips with his thumb as he licks his own. 'Also... you're naked.'

I glance down quickly and start giggling at myself. I saw him and didn't even think about what I've got on. I just opened the door. I didn't stop to think that I needed clothes, so I'm only in my underwear.

'A shortcut?' I look back up and he smirks at me as both his hands slowly slide down my back until he reaches my ass, and then squeezes it hard.

I yepled a little in shock as he suddenly decided to pick me up, making my legs wrap around his waist.

'Hold on tight for me, baby. And say goodbye to sleep for tonight.'

Baby... he called me baby!
I am trying so hard not to keep giggling like an idiot, but I'm just so happy.

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