90 6 2

Our gratitude goes to all who entered character introductions. 

Criteria Used:

Intrigue: Does the character's introduction pique the reader's curiosity and make them eager to learn more about them? 

Memorable Description: How well is the character described in terms of appearance, personality, or unique traits? Does the description leave a lasting impression on the reader?

Relevance to the Story: Does it establish their role and purpose in the story?

Authenticity: Does the character's introduction feel genuine and authentic?

Emotional Connection: Does the character's introduction evoke an emotional response in the reader? Do they feel empathy, sympathy, or any other emotional connection to the character?

First Place

Head In Clouds by Tomboywarrior53

Second Place

Chasing Eden by StellaRoseATX

Third Place

A Mazed Heart by Rifa_Fathma_

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