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We are partnering with Project_Athena to make a few special categories and rewards available to the participants and winners of our contest

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We are partnering with Project_Athena to make a few special categories and rewards available to the participants and winners of our contest.

Project Athena is a Wattpad profile made with the aim to promote and help improve the stories of budding writers across the platform.


Follow Project_Athena and also your assigned judge.

Participant/Winner Rewards

All participants who have successfully had their entries accepted into the TMC awards will get those stories added to Project Athena's reading lists, based on genre.

The First Place Winners from each main genre category will receive a free review from Project Athena if they are interested. (You will need to claim this by sending a DM to their profile after the results have been announced)

One of the First Place winners will be chosen and featured in Project Athena's 'Author Spotlight' book.

One of the First Place winners will be chosen and featured in Project Athena's 'Author Spotlight' book

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AWARDS 2023Where stories live. Discover now