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You will have to apply for these

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You will have to apply for these. You can only enter one entry per category.

Your password is the name of any one of the Project Athena admins. (You'll find these in their profile bio)

If you are already participating in the main categories, there's only a single rule:
Follow Project_Athena

If you don't have any entries in the main categories, then you'll have to go and follow the rules for the RULES chapter, and then also follow Project_Athena

This is all to make sure everyone is following the same rules.

In total, you cannot enter more than two stories. (You can have two stories max, but they have to be in different categories)

Note: If you already entered two stories in the main categories, then you can only enter one story for these Special Categories. This keeps it even between people who used only one of their main entry slots and it's an attempt to provide equal opportunity across all participants.

Simply fill this form inline next to the category name. The Chapter part of the form is only required for Best Character Introduction and Best Action Sequence categories, where you might need to direct us to a specific section of your book.


Best Cover(9/15)

Given to the book cover that features a visual design that most captivatingly conveys the essence of the story and draws readers in.

Best Blurb(12/15)

Presented to the book with a compelling blurb or description that effectively entices readers through its synopsis of the central premise.

Best Title(11/15)

Given to the book whose title most memorably and evocatively captures the essence of the story, piquing curiosity.

Best Opening Line (8/15)

Presented to the book with the attention-grabbing first line that draws readers deeply into the story from the outset, setting the tone.

Best Worldbuilding (11/15)

Given the book that most richly and immersively crafts its environments and settings, allowing full reader engagement through intricate detail.

Best Character Introduction (7/15)

Presented to the book introducing a character in the most memorable and impactful way, instantly capturing attention and laying foundations for their arc.

Best Action Sequence(4/15)

Given to the book that features the most thrilling, well-executed scene filled with excitement, suspense, and adrenaline that leaves readers avidly anticipating more.

Given to the book that features the most thrilling, well-executed scene filled with excitement, suspense, and adrenaline that leaves readers avidly anticipating more

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