Found you, finaly.

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Found you.


Liyue harbor

Kavehs POV:

After the girl left Qiqi steped out from behind baizhu

Kaveh: "who was that anyway?"

Baizhu:  "her name is Hutao, she the wangshen funeral parols 70th director. Shes always running around and trying to get Qiqi, since yk- shes "dead"

Kaveh: "Fair enough-"

Alhaitham's POV:


We were ready to head out, we decided that it would probably be the best if we split up, Thignari said he was going to ask people that are next to the water, cyno was going to cover the upper part and i'll cover the middle.

We headed out, i started searching near a place where they sold jade.


After fifteen mins of searching in that part i decide to move further into the city, i reached a place called wangshen funeral parlour, i didn't think much of it, there was two people talking in front of the place tho, a tall man and a small teenager.

Hutao: Zhongli...!! Whyd you pull me outta there!!

Zhongli: "it was obvious you were overwhelming them.

I continue walking past them

Zhongli: and that blonde guy looked rl nervous, he was with baizhu so it might mean he was in a kind of accident.

When he says that i turn around quickly
I then run to them quickly

Haitham: i- i overheard you talking and- and-

Zhongli: "sir calm down. What's happening?"

Haitham: "the blonde boy- what was his name?"

I ask quickly

Hutao: "oh it was-"

'Zhongli' cuts her off

Zhongli: "whats your business with him?"

Haitham: h-hes my roommate! He went missing a few days back, im trying to find him to say sorry... we had a very big argument"

Zhongli: "ok... hutao go ahead"

Hutao: "his name was kaveh!"

Haitham: "its really him...! W-where can i find this baizhu guy?"

Zhongli: "youll find him at bubu pharmacy."
Hi- this chapter isn't finished yet its just to say that this is the second day of me writing this and i just had a panic attack in Spanish class- so the rest might be weird/rushed/makes no sense- (sorry)

I then thank the duo and i run to the the port to find Thignari.

Kaveh's POV:


We then went back to bubu pharmacy so that baizhu could put what he bought in the containers/drawers

I was sitting on a chair near him, we continued talking,

Kaveh: "so then doctor... when will i be able to go?"

Baizhu: "you recovered quickly so i think maybe tomorrow"

Kaveh: "thats good to know..."

Baizhu: "why?"

Kaveh: "i have a hunch that there something in the city.... That i know..."

Baizhu: "dangerous?"

Kaveh: "nah... probably not"

Baizhu: "if you say so, but. Do you have somewhere to go when you get discharged?"

Kaveh: "yes i do."

I lied.

I had nowhere. There was noway i was going back to alhaitham.

Baizhu: "thats good then"


Baizhu: "i need to go grab something, stay here."

Kaveh: "fine by me"

After a few minutes i here customers go into the shop, i peek around the corner to see who it was


What. How.

I quickly hide back behind the wall

Qiqi: "hello... welcome to the bubu pharmacy...

Thignari: "hello sweetheart, have you seen a blonde man anywhere here?"

I was scared, i thought that Qiqi would say that i was here...

Qiqi: uhm... i dont think so... i don't remember if there is one...

Cyno: "is there anybody else that could help us here?"

Qiqi: "yes... ill go get him..."

Qiqi then walked to my direction when she saw me she quickly turned back

Qiqi: "oh uh- there is a blonde man... i forgot he was there..."

Alhaitham: "Where? Can you bring him to us?"

He was speaking frantically, quickly.

Qiqi then grabed my arm, i tried to make her stop but she was too strong

I then got dragged out

Alhaitham then practically jumped onto me

Haitham: "Where were you kaveh?! I was worried sick!! Why did you leave?!"

Kaveh: "i-..."

Haitham: "Im sorry kaveh... im so sorry..."

He breaks out crying in my arms

Kaveh: "w-why are you crying...?"

Alhaitham then cups my face with his hands and.... Kisses me?!

He them breaks the kiss and says:

Haitham: its because i love you kaveh... it took you leaving for me to realize how much I had..."

My mistake...? Kavehtham-angstWhere stories live. Discover now