Chapter 25

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Delilah POV

It's Maxwell's birthday today!!

Being the best brother that he is, he told me I could invite my friends too.

And of course, I have to hesitate before replying as I had to act like I care that it's his day. He just waved me off saying something about the more the merrier.

So I didn't hesitate calling my favourite people.

On the other hand, I wasn't a bad sister, okay. I bought him a cute gift- a baby penguin with skates soft toy.

Two reasons that I bought it : One, Max loves ice skating and two, he loves soft toys.

I swear his whole closet is filled with them.

And obviously, we can't forget about my Delilah-homemade card. DIY cards are always the best!

I invited Mingze, Dean, Len and Kyian over for today.

Max says it's just a chill day. I bet he wasn't expecting any cake or whatsoever but... Ming's baking a cake. We're gonna surprise Max.

After chaining into my bathing suit, I exited my room, in search for my brother who is one year older than me.

I found Max walking down the stairs.

"MAXWELLL." I screamed and jumped onto his bag, clinging onto him tightly.

"WHAT THE-" he didn't get to finish because my surprise caught him off guard.

He missed a step and we both tumbled down the remaining five steps. I prepared myself for the impact but found none.

Max groaned. I opened my eyes slowly and realised he must have flipped us over because I was now on top of him.

And once again, the best brother awards goes to-

"Oww you weigh like a thousand tonne elephant!" my brother cried as he scowled up at me.

I take the award back.

I smiled at him sheepishly before throwing my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU UGLY IDIOT." I screamed in his face.

He rolled his eyes, acting as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Thanks, sorellina." he kissed my forehead. "But I'm eighteen, I don't need a big party like a kid."

I huffed, disagreeing. "You're supposed to throw a large party when you're eighteen!"

"I hardly had any birthday parties since I was young." he chuckled. "But thank you."

"Mmm, you should know, a birthday is a very important day. You get to collect lots of gifts!"

He smiled at me ever-so-lovingly. "You being here is already a gift."


"Besides, we're loaded. I can just get what I want." he added smugly.

He's making me love and annoyed at him at the same time.

"You're both making me wanna puke." Solace mumbled as he walked past us. Then he just disappeared.

Oh well, goodbye.

Max pushed me off him and stood up, dusting himself. "What time are your friends coming over?"

He offered me a hand. How kind.

I reached up to take it as I pushed myself off. Then that bitch bought his hands away at the very last second, making me fall back onto my ass.

"You're meaner when it's your birthday." I scowled.

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