Chapter 5

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I love hoodies and plaid pants

I changed into my pyjamas plaid pants and pulled on a grey hoodie.

"Do you know, I only wear plaid pants to sleep." I told Maxwell as we walked to the movie room together.

I honestly have no idea where we're going so I'm lucky to run into him when I got out of my room.

"Huh. I have a few but I don't really like them." Max answered. He was dressed in sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt.

I smacked him on the back of his head instinctively.

Maxwell looked at me offended. "What was that for?" he exclaimed, rubbing his head.

He's being dramatic. I didn't hit that hard.

"Sorry." I smiled sheepishly. "Plaid pants are the love of my life and you just offended them."

"They're horrible." he sulked.

"They're not! You probably get the wrong brand. It's a you problem."

We entered the movie room and I tripped.

Before I could fall completely, Roman was by my side.

I glared at Maxwell who didn't even do anything. "I was waiting for you to fall so I can laugh," he shrugged.

"It's the step." Roman exclaimed as he gestured the step which poked out from nowhere. "See Stef, it's making everyone fall to their death."

"It's a you problem." Stefano mumbled from one of the huge bean bag. "What is it that people always say? Watch your step. Yeah."

Rowan entered the movie room with bags of chips. He only made it a few steps before he tripped over the step and his food went flying.

"Fuck! Sorry!" he screamed after falling down.

"Why can't you just fucking renovate the steps away?" Solace scowled as he helped his brother up.

"It's been there since before we were born." Silas rolled his eyes. "If Deli trip, I would understand. But jesus, you four walked in and out of this room for god knows how many times already."

"And you somehow still fall over." Stefano shook his head with a sigh.

"Each time." Roman started upsettingly. "I enter this room, the step moves away from its original spot!"

"You people are being dramatic." Stefano waved them off.

"Being dramatic runs in our blood." Roman whispered to me as we took our spots on different bean bags.

"True. That's probably why we have like five generations of best student of the year award for our drama subjects." Solace nodded.

"You should take up drama too." Silas encouraged. "Gotta continue with our legacy."

"Just you wait, Deli. We're gonna be a fantastic influence to you." Rowan grinned.

We talked about random things as Maxwell turned on the cinematic screen and scrolled through netflix.

"Fantasy? Adventure? Horror?" he asked.

"How to train your dragon." Roman and I said immediately and shared a smile.

He's my favourite brother now.

"Uhh which one?"

"The first." we said in sync again.

"Don't mind me but this is getting creepy. Say something again." Stefano mumbled.

"Twice is a coincidence." Silas nodded.

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