Chapter 17

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"Where do I even start?"

I sat on my bed, rubbing my hands nervously.

After we got home, Roman only gave me enough time to shower and change into a new set of clothes before he and the others piled into my room.

"From the very beginning." Silas said softly.

Well, they're gonna have to prepare of a long long ride down my memory lane.

"If I'm being honest, I'm not a 100% sure about all of it but...I'll tell you what I know and remember." I said quietly.

"I remember being on a plane with two other adults. They took care of me like I was their own. I think they were my parents." I continued softly. "There was a storm and something hit our plane and we crashed, somewhere in the edge of nepal- a forest-like place."

I watched helplessly as the man spoke urgently with the pilots of our jet.

The beeping and red lights started increasing and lights blinked vividly, brightness and darkness.

I could hear the storm outside. It wasn't just a heavy storm. It was a thunderstorm!

I overheard the pilot speaking to dad about landing. Something about how no plane should be flying in this condition.

Lightning struck and our plane got hit.

Blazing alarms rang out.

The woman pulled me to her side, her eyes slightly red.

"Shhh." she let out a long sigh. "We're gonna be okay. It's going to be okay."

The man came back a few minutes later and pulled me onto his lap.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his chest.

I felt the man's arm reaching out to the woman and he pulled her close.

"Whatever happens, darling," dad started quietly, "Fight to survive. No matter what."

"The plane crashed about half an hour later, killing all of them but me. I would have died along with all of them if I hadn't gotten out in time."

"Mum and dad." Roman said with a sad smile. "They were the most in-love marriage couple I've ever met."

My brothers smiled sadly at each other.

"I walked for hours alone in the woods until I came across a camp." I paused. "No it wasn't just a small camp, it was huge- like an army camp- but they weren't for army training or whatsoever."

"I met a man about dad's age. He's name was Sebastian. He had this whole I'm-from-the-marine-so-you-better-respect-me kind of look. He brought me to his tent, cleaned me up and told me I could stay with his team for a while."

"Then I heard him one night, speaking to someone on the phone. I didn't understand the language then, but I soon learned that it was Russian. They spoke about trading and I heard my name a couple of times.

"Before I knew it, I was tranquilised and shipped off to somewhere completely new to me. I woke up in a white room. Literally. It was just an empty white room with only a bed inside- there was nothing else there, not even a table or curtains. There wasn't any window either.

"Those people there dressed in white scientists. They called themselves the Nachatomist. For the first few days, I met a couple of new people who just arrived in that place around the same time I did. We had no idea where we were or who those people were but we stuck together all the time.

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