Author's Note/Cast/Story Details

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Hey everyone!

Welcome to the updated version of Love in Georgia! Before I get into the details, I want to clarify a few things.

Firstly, the title, characters, summary, and any fictionalized locations belong to me. Credit goes to arrowgig for making my cover.
Please do not plagiarize my content. I will be more than happy to report it, and if my story is found on another website that I've never put it on myself, please let me know.

Because as of right now, I'm only publishing on Wattpad, but in the future, I might consider self-publishing through Amazon.

Secondly, this book's original genre was Romance, but after thinking about it, I thought the genre of Teen Fiction would suit it better. The characters are already together instead of getting to know each other and then getting together. So, with that in mind, I changed that and had a new cover made.

I hope you guys like it!

Okay. That covers that portion.

Next is a message to any new writers visiting my Profile.

Like many writers, I do not like it when you self-promote yourself in my Stories or Message Board. It's not an excellent way to get an audience. Trust me, when I started writing on Wattpad, I did that but did not get a lot of reads. So, I stopped and found better ways to do that without making other writers mad.

Because when you do that on someone else's profile, it draws the attention of the first writer's audience to the second writer's content. That is not fair to the first writer because they've spent so much time creating original content for their readers. However, many other ways exist to get an audience without annoying other writers. I'll be happy to share them with you!

Here they are:

1. Your book should have a well-designed cover with a title and author's name in a visible and aesthetically pleasing font. On Wattpad, people judge a book by how the cover looks. Canva is an OK book-cover designer, but if you want to really get people's attention, use a cover designer on Wattpad. There are plenty to choose from; just do research!

2. Write about something that sparks your interest and ignites your emotions. You're bound to write much better and more vividly if you're passionate about your topic, and you know a lot about it.

3. Write a detailed summary that tells the main storyline without spoiling the entire book for the readers. Talk about the main characters, one minor spoiler that serves as your hook, and other story details.

4. You can create your cast by using online pictures of famous actors/actresses or models to help your readers visualize your characters better. You can also add aesthetics that match your characters' personalities!

5. Plan out most of your story details: character profiles, events, and locations. Also, know your beginning and ending first, then proceed from there. Or plan out the entire story before writing. Just make sure you know enough about your book before you start, otherwise, you WILL be unprepared, or won't write the best book.

6. Start writing your story, and at the end of every chapter, include a cliffhanger to keep your readers invested. Depending on the moment, it can be a major reveal, like a character suddenly finding a dead body, the main couple sharing their first big kiss, or a shocking secret is revealed.

Love in GeorgiaWhere stories live. Discover now