Chapter 46

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Chapter forty six : great rain

Rain Moretti

My eyes peeled open lazily, and I could faintly hear the sound of rain, and rumbling of thunder from outside. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up straight  and checked the time on my phone.

It was 05:59 am and I got slightly annoyed at how early I woke up.

The temperature in this was very low and I was feeling cold, maybe this was a sign for me to go back to our bedroom.

I dreadfully got up as nausea hit me, clapping my hand over my mouth, I ran over to the bathroom and doubled over the toilet. I hauled till I couldn't anymore. I sat there for awhile, gathering my strength I stood up and flushed.

I was a mess I thought to myself, as I rinsed my mouth and turned on the shower, while I undressed. I jumped into the hot water, instantly warming me up and soothing me.

I washed my hair and lathered my self in lavender soap, calming me. Since I didn't want to catch a cold,  I stepped out and wrapped myself in a towel, while doing the same with my hair.

I walked into the walking closet, and decided on a pair of grey sweatpants and a white long sleeve top, looking around I also realized that I was running out of clothes in this closet. Yip I should definitely move back.

I tired my hair in a low pony, as it was slightly wet and wore fuzzy socks with boots. I couldn't be the only feeling this cold, I thought as I grabbed my phone and went to our bedroom.

I got there and opened the door expecting to find a sleeping Angelo, instead the bed was empty and it didn't look like anyone slept in it. On the coffee table were papers scattered all around, with Angelo's laptop and his open MacBook.

Walking to the closet, I grabbed one of his hoodies and wore it. I heard the bathroom door opening, and Angelo came out with only a towel around his waist as per normal.

Although the sight was swoon worthy, I was used to it to by now.

"Good morning." I said making myself comfortable, on the bed.

"Good morning amore."  He said moving towards the closet, to get dressed I'm assuming.

"How are you feeling today?"

"I feel great." I said with a genuine smile, which made a half dressed Angelo peak out of closet. He gave me a wary look and went back to dressing.

"Is there any particular reason?"

"It's raining." I said as a matter of fact.

Angelo came back dressed in grey sweatpants and a tight fitted white t-shirt. We were matching but he didn't even notice, a giggle escaped from me at the thought.

A look of disbelief crossed Angelo's features, as he walked to the vanity. It was kind of close to the bed, and Angelo's back was towards me, I took this as an opportunity to jump on his back.

A shriek leaving my mouth as I did so. His back went stiff for a moment, and it was a good thing that I couldn't see his reaction to what just happened.

"God damnit woman are you insane!" He grunted, as I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs on his waist to keep myself steady.

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