Chapter 33

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Chapter thirty three: Mine

Rain Moretti

One word four letters. Fuck! What am I going to do? Should I answer?

Looking at my sister's terrified facial expression, my own heartbeat started racing. I'm not ready to die yet, I still need to repent for my sins.

On the third ring I answered but didn't get the chance to speak as Angelo's angry voice spoke.

"Where the fuck are you Rain?"

My voice was stuck in my throat and I felt as if I had lost the ability to speak.

"You better return to your bodyguards in the next five minutes or god so help me I don't get you myself." He said before hanging up.

Heather and I stood dumbstruck staring at each other before she snapped and came back to reality.

"If you still want a chance to leave those walls, you better get going." She said giving me a final hug and ushering me out the small diner.

As I was walking away I remembered to ask her. "When will we meet again?"

"I'll call you to let you know. Remember to keep our little secret." She shouted, as she slowly walked away from me.

With a light hufff I started to slowly walk away but I could feel Heather's eyes on me the whole time as if she wanted to say something but couldn't.

"What it is Heather?" I asked slightly annoyed, my mood changed in less a minute.

"I just wanted to make sure you won't tell him right?" She asked hesitantly.

A look of disbelief crossed my features, now replacing the annyoed look and tone. "Is that how little faith you have in me? That you need reassurance."

"I...... Didn't mean for you to take this the wrong way Rain."

Before I could find a sassy reply, my phone flashed with a message from yours truly.

Grinch 🙊

The parking lot now !

With a last look at my sister I quitly left the small scheduled street and headed for the mall's parking lot, trying to come up with a excuse of where I was.

Making my own way to the parking lot where we were parked I expected to find only my bodyguards. But it seemed like fate had other plans when I saw Angelo leaning on one of the cars looking like a snack.

I felt as if the underground parking had become crowed course of the extra security he most probably came with.

"Get in." He instructed opening the door for me. Obliging I quitely got in.

Soon I heard his door open and close. Then he pulled the divider so that it was just us two.

The ride back to the house was silent and I could feel Angelo's burning gaze on me once every two minutes. On top of that I couldn't help but stress and worry about my sister's situation.

I was relieved when we finally got home but soon got annoyed as I saw Lila making herself comfortable in my house.

She stopped whatever she was doing, which was ordering my staff around as if she pays them, then turned to look at us plastering a fake smile.

"You guys are back already, I didn't hear you come in." She said with a fake sweet voice.

"Last time I checked this was my house.... So why the need to announce my presence?" I spat glaring at her.

Her lips parted in shocked clearly surprised at my tone. She then looked at Angelo a sudden look of anger or embarrassment on her face.

"You're allowing her to speak in such a manner to me Angelo? On top of that in front of maids!" She screeched. "She's disrespecting me!"

"You disrespected your Donna by showing up unannounced and ordering her staff." Angelo scoffed, and that only made Lila angrier if possible.

She shot me a murderus glare before stomping upstairs like a little brat. Seeing that I also made my way to our bedroom in hopes of avoiding Angelo.


I had just finished drying my hair and had high hopes of taking a nap, when the opened revealing Angelo in all his glory. God he looked so damn hot.

His sleeves were rolled halfway up and the top three buttons of his shirt were undone, showing his tanned skin. The shirt still clung to him kinda making his physic more visible and his hair was messy as if he'd run his hands over it in frustration.

This look just made me press my thighs together.

"Where were you?" He asked folding his arms together across his chest.

I felt my heart hammering against my chest while my thighs were closed together like my life depended on it. What the hell was wrong with me?

I couldn't be scared and horny at the same time.

"At the mall." I muttered trying to keep a straight face.

He frowned his brows. "Rain don't make me ask again." He snapped.

At the moment I realised I chose a poor choice of clothing as they weren't helping my situation.

A baggy tee-shirt and really short shorts, and I couldn't deny the fact that I was turned on. How?

"I'm sorry!" I hissed "I really didn't mean to wonder off like that, I just got lost in the bathrooms and ended up on the other side." I said nervously playing with the hem of my stolen tee-shirt (Angelo's).

"For fucks sake I thought you ran away." He growled, slowly walking towards me making me back away.

That made my heart hurt a little. "I would never run away from you Angelo." I explained

He narrowed his eyes at me, studying me for awhile, his expression emotionless. "Good, because I wouldn't let you." He whispered, his hand reaching out to caress my cheek.

The feeling of his skin against mine made me tingle. At that moment I hadn't even realised I was backed again the wall with him.

I opened my eyes looking into his softened grey ones. He leaned in and placed his lips against mine, softly brushing against them. His warm breath fanned over my skin and his hands moved to hold my waist.

"You're mine Rain, Mine."

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Just so you know I'm writing from my mother's phone. Mines broke 🙂

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