Chapter 35

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Chapter thirty five: Guilty conscious

Rain Moretti

"Aren't you the most adorable little ten year old?" My older sister Prudence said, lightly pinching my chubby cheeks.

Little me couldn't read people's faces well that time but I could clearly see she was trying hard not to cry and hide her sadness.


"Yes Rainy?"

"You will never leave me right?" At that moment, my sister hesitated but quickly sent me a reassuring smile as if she was also trying to assure herself.

"I won't."

Everything starts with doubt, well for me I feel like that's where all of the downfalls and insecurities started.

My eyes open with a jolt in hopes of seeing my bigger sister, but only to be met with a wave of disappointment when I see myself still in the library.

My hair was tangled since I just left it open when doing some reading. I stood up and walked back to my bedroom, my body slightly stiff from my earlier sleeping position.

I've been feeling on edge lately for some reason. Maybe it's the Heather situation or the fact that I'm keeping this a secret from Angelo.

I doubted and contemplated whether I should help my sister. There's a lot of things that made me doubt myself in life and right now it felt like I was back to the black hole that landed me in hospital with restrains on me.

The last time I had dreams about my older sister was when she had just disappeared. I partly felt guilty because a part of me believed she was crying for help on the inside but no one could tell.

Even our sad excuse of parents.

On my way to the bedroom I saw Marco, and I decided to question him about Angelo's whereabouts. Being alone at the moment didn't sit well with me.

"Marco." I called out as he was about to descend the stairs.

"Yes Donna?" He said turning back.

"Have you seen Angelo anywhere?" I asked fiddling with gbd the Hem of my skirt.

He hesitated before replying."His in his office." 

"Thank you." With that I turned on my heels and left to his study. I couldn't continue keeping this to myself, even tho I knew I would be breaking my sister's trust.

I reached the large oak double doors and knocked twice before entering. But to my bitter excitement Lila was also there wearing a dress that bearly covered anything.

Angelo momentarily looked up and started organising his files before putting them away.

And yet again my emotions got the better of me, as anger clouded with doubt pulsated through me

I wasn't going to tell him that I met up with my sister behind his back, but the fact that she needed help and reached out to me. Who knows, maybe I might also find out why he dislikes her so much.

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