ch 11. Field exam

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The field exam, just like in the labyrinth we are test to the fullest..but rather than hunting monsters and beast, we are only task to get through this forest with monster in it.. once we are in imminent danger, a school official will come and take us back and we fail and have to do extra curricular classes...

The whole entirety of the first years will be split into pairs..thankfully, I was teamed up with Tom

"This is the best! What luck! They didn't know that we are the best duo!" Tom said putting his arm over my shoulder "say, should we just run through the whole forest?"

"Well..I'm sure we can, but what if we run into traps?" I can only smile with how confident he is, well he has all the right to be confident..if only he's more serious...

I look around and it seems that Anna was paired with another female student, a noble of all people...I don't know who she is tho, sometimes I wish that I read the story before I got reincarnated in this world..and it seems Anna and her partner is going in the forest. Before they enter she look at both me and Tom and wave at us

"Do you think she'll be fine?" Tom ask looking at Anna

"Of course, plus I'm sure that the school won't let something like the minotaur incident happen again"


"I see that you two became partners for this exam" Cassandra walks to us with her partner..the same girl that I saved from those bully nobles. She looks..scared? Intimidated? I mean, it was Cassandra that she's been paired with so that make sense..she's not even looking at us

"It was really lucky of me! With the two of us combined we will become unstoppable!" Tom declares while grinning "also, who's your partner?"

"Oh? Let me introduce you, this is Miss Emilie Red, she's from Class 1-C"

"Nice too me ya Emilie! Don't be intimidated with lady Cassandra here, she's a very good person" Tom...that mouth of your might get you killed I swear-

Cassandra smiled and giggle "I already told her that already"

Then while we are talking one of the teachers called upon Cassandra and Emilie to now enter the forest

"It seems that its our turn to enter" Cassandra said

"Good luck" I said..and it seems Emilie heard my voice and looked at me...wait so she totally didn't notice that it was me?

"We will, let's go Miss Emilie" before Emilie can say anything Cassandra had already left making her follow her, all she can do is look at me and give me and Tom a bow beforp... she looks like she wanted to tell me something


We didn't need to wait for that long, me and Tom was eventually called by the teachers to enter the forest to start field exam

It was quite easy for us, I've been training with his for years and we are very used with fighting together as one the demonic wolves that they unleashed upon us was dealt by our blades easily...

"Woooh! This exam will be easy!" Thomas said as we run through the forest

"We should be more careful, we don't know what's in this forest. There might even be traps here you know"

"I know! You don't need to worry about me tho-" suddenly Tom stop me in my tracks with his arm

"What is it?" I ask,for him to stop like this.. he must have felt something dangerous,'s someone

"People using the same kind of magic I used..they are using cloaking magic"

"So they are invisible?"

"Yes, but I can see them..they're not student"

"Did they spot us? How many?"

"No..and there's 3 of the-"

Then the clash of metal was heard from the direction of those people with invisibility.. calling the teachers would be the most safer moves...but at this point we should stop them by ourselves

I run towards the direction of the scream, it was beside a cliff with a raging river below it..Cassandra had took an crossbow bolt on her arm it with Emilie behind her. She protect Emilie from it?

The assassin charges at her but with that wound of her's she unable to lift her rapier to defend... I quickly run toward between her and the assassin using my shield to block the assassin's dagger. He was utterly surprise, normally people would think that someone is just having a fight with another monster and not expecting an assassin..good thing Thomas saw them

"Desmond- how did you?"

"Let's talk about it later... we should deal with them first"


Suddenly one assassin had fell down a tree, he was holding a throwing knife.. when I take a glance it was Tom dispatching the assassin with his dagger "that's one..." he then jumps down to join me in the battle

"Tch" the assassin starts to attack us again.. we do not know where the other one is but he's somewhere, and I thrust Tom here, this is part of his expertise after all..I just fend off the one that shot Cassandra with a crossbow. He was skilled but he can't break my defenses it seems his daggers are having a hard time with my shield

"I know you're there!" Thomas screamed and attack the remaining hidden assailant, they also clashed in a battle

To make sure that my enemy can't hide anymore with his magic, I made sure that I overwhelmed him with my attacks until he finally stumble giving me a change to slash bash him with my shield...we need one alive at least

Tom had also defeated his enemy with a stab to the gut

"Thank you for saving us" Cassandra groans in pain

"Did you know who they are?"

"I don't... but it seems that they are here to kill me, are you alright Miss Emilie? I'm sorry that you got caught in this mess"

"N-no, thank you for saving me lady Cassandra! E-excuse me I have a healing potion that can heal your wound"she start to look for it in her bag that was dropped on the ground

Meanwhile Thomas rummage through the bodies of the dead assassin trying to find any clue..and it seems that he find something "t-this is- look out!" Before he can tell us what it is..the person that I knock out, he was awake all along!? He was tougher than he looks!

Thomas throws his dagger towards the assassin but it was already too late he had pulled a scroll of magic from his pack..and send out a terrifying magic.. a fire ball

The dagger hit the assassin on the head killing him, but the fireball is upon the injured Cassandra. Panicking I just blocked it with my shield not knowing the magic's strength

Once it exploded I was knocked back by the explosion it's not just me..Cassandra was also caught.. and we fell onto the cliff and the raging river below

"Desmond!!!!" It was the last thing that I heard before I hit the water below. The scream of my friend



Haha funny comment number, Lmao

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Haha funny comment number, Lmao.. sorry

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